Move all databases to a new datacenter

  • The new data center is almost ready to install new OS (Windows Server 2008 R2) and new SQL Server version (SQL Server 2008 R2 EE).

    Right now we have a box (MSCS Cluster) with almost 100 databases on SQL Sever 2000 EE and Windows Server 2003.

    Due to the fact that this old HW is out of maintenance, we would like to temporary move this box to the new data center without changing anything.

    The idea is to create a new VM (Windows Server 2003) in the new data center, install on it SQL Server 2000 EE with exactly the same parameters of the old one including database and log path, and then:

    1. shutdown SQL Server on the old box

    2. copy all users databases + system databases master, model and msdb to the new data center

    3. shutdown the new installed SQL Server 2000

    4. substitute system db master model and msdb of this new installation with the old ones copied from the old box to maintain logins, jobs, alerts....

    5. start up SQL Server on the new data center

    Do you think that this can be a practical way?

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you very much.



  • Which hypervisor are you using?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • The new data center is based on vmWare.


  • one thing i would say as well is with the move from 2000 to 2008 I would only copy the user databases not the system databases, dont restore them over the new copies of master/model/msdb

    you will need to script out all server objects like logins, jobs, linked servers etc due to the changes in the system databases in the newer versions

  • I don't need to upgrade to sql 2008 right now.

    If you read my post you will see that I only need to replicate or move sql 2K to a new box.


  • Sorry, I was focused on the Server 2008 and SQL 2008R2 line at the top.

  • Is VMs physical to virtual (P2V) process and option?

  • It's a MSCS Cluster, so no PTV available.

    We would like to install a new single machine, same name, same parameters, same memory, same disks, same path, same everything... in the new data center.


  • Has anybody done the same thing?

    My concern is because the old instance in the old data center is clustered and the new instance in the new datacenter will be non cluster.

    There are some information at the database level that is related to the fact that SQL Server is now clustered?

    We will maintain the same server name, same disks, same path, same memory, same number of processors.

    Our goal is to be able to start the new sql server in the new datacenter with all the same user databases, including master,model and msdb.

    Please advise.


  • you wont able to restore the master to new data center directly. you can transfer the logins and script out theSQL agent job and move to new server.

  • Could you please explain to me why?


  • I've never tried it, but I thought that the master db was aware of the cluster, and if you are trying to replace a non-clustered master with a clustered master, you will have issues.

    I'd be curious if this works.

  • Steve, thank you very much for your reply.

    In fact this was also my concern, the cluster.

    There is a very good article here:

    But it's not talking about cluster.


  • I found this reply from MVP Andrew J.Kelly, in another forum:

    The database knows nothing of if it is or ever was in a clustered server or


    Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP

    Any other ideas?


  • Nope, asked a few people, no one is sure.

    Ultimately, I'd test it. Make a VM, set it up, copy the master.mdf over and see if it works.

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