most recent august

  • does anyone know of (or can anyone create off the top of their head) a formula for finding the date of the previous august, given a date?

    i can use a CASE statement i.e.

    CASE WHEN DATEPART(MONTH, @Date) >= 8 THEN CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, @Date) AS CHAR(4)) + '-08-01' ELSE CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, @Date) - 1 AS CHAR(4)) + '-08-01' END

    but i figured maybe someone would have something a bit nicer.

    -- Stephen Cook

  • This any better?



    case when month(@date) > 8 then convert(varchar,year(@date))

    else convert(varchar,year(@date) - 1)


      +  '-08-01' 

  • declare @Date datetime

    select @Date = getdate()

    declare @m int set @m = 8

    --  @m is a number of a month you take care about. You need August - so it's 8.

    --  When you need another month just change value supplied to this parameter

    select dateadd(YY, case when Month(@date) < @m then -1 else 0 end + Year(@Date) - Year(0), dateadd(mm, @M-month(0), 0))

    Code for TallyGenerator

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