More Releases

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item More Releases

  • Has anyone tried to get a copy of it? I am on my third attempt. First response was this is included in SP2. 🙂 Second was a one of the hotfixes. Still trying..

    So my response. Would it matter? 🙁 Yes more releases please!

  • Copy of.....?

    I have both CTP6 and CU6.

  • CU6. Apparently whomever got assigned to my case was less than compentant. I re-submitted my request, and got the correct build.

    But I agree that having TESTED service packs at least every 6 months would be a welcome change.

    As for CTP's in general. I don't have the time at the moment to mess with the release, nor do I expect that I will be ready for 2008 for at least a few more years. 🙂

  • Steve,

    The link for the 'Look for Jobs' didn't work. Thanks.

  • I'll track this down, but I know you can find a bunch of jobs if you go to and go to the careers section. You can search for jobs by product and area.

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