More Date Fun

  • I am trying to pull the correct date from a set of records. Using this code to set up the scenario:

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #mytable

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #mytable


    Item varchar(30),

    Location varchar(30),

    Qty decimal(21,8),

    TranDate datetime


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #mytable

    (Item, Location, Qty, TranDate)

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', -1.00000000, '2010-09-08 14:54:22.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', -1.00000000, '2011-01-12 10:02:17.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', 1.00000000, '2010-08-09 10:16:43.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', 1.00000000, '2011-01-11 10:09:11.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', 1.00000000, '2011-02-14 09:51:20.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', 1.00000000, '2011-03-08 06:52:57.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', -2.00000000, '2009-09-13 16:31:44.040' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', -1.00000000, '2009-09-10 17:18:39.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', -1.00000000, '2011-01-11 10:09:11.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', 2.00000000, '2010-12-29 10:21:07.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', 3.00000000, '2009-09-04 12:09:10.000'

    --==== Select the records

    SELECT Item,


    SUM(Qty) Qty,

    DATEDIFF(DAY, MAX(TranDate), GETDATE()) LastAddDate

    FROM #mytable

    GROUP BY ITEM, Location

    We get the following results:

    Item Location Qty LastAddDate

    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- -----------

    1A103336 FQAHold 2.00000000 2

    1A103336 Quarantine 1.00000000 58

    The LastAddDate column is the difference between today and the last transaction, grouped by location.

    What I actually need for this column is the FIRST TranDate for a POSITIVE Qty. For the first record I need to calculate from the date '2010-08-09 10:16:43.000' , and for the second record I need to calculate from the date '2010-12-29 10:21:07.000', so the results should look like this:

    Item Location Qty LastAddDate

    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- -----------

    1A103336 FQAHold 2.00000000 213

    1A103336 Quarantine 1.00000000 71

    Is there any way to do this? If I need to provide more information I will gladly do it.

    Thank you.

  • This works (add after your INSERT):

    --===== If the temp table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#temp','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp

    --===== Create the temp table with

    CREATE TABLE #temp


    Item varchar(30),

    Location varchar(30),

    Qty decimal(21,8),

    LastAddDate datetime NULL


    --==== Select the records

    INSERT INTO #temp

    (Item, Location, Qty, LastAddDate )

    SELECT Item,


    SUM(Qty) Qty,


    FROM #mytable

    GROUP BY Item, Location

    MERGE #temp AS target

    USING ( SELECT Item, Location, MIN(TranDate)

    FROM #mytable

    WHERE Qty > 0

    GROUP BY Item, Location ) AS source (Item, Location, TranDate)

    ON ( target.Item = source.Item AND target.Location = source.Location )


    THEN UPDATE SET target.LastAddDate = source.TranDate;

    SELECT *

    FROM #temp

  • Okay, we're almost there. Combining our codes, I now have:

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #mytable

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #mytable


    Item varchar(30),

    Location varchar(30),

    Qty decimal(21,8),

    TranDate datetime


    CREATE TABLE #temp


    Item varchar(30),

    Location varchar(30),

    Qty decimal(21,8),

    LastAddDate datetime


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #mytable

    (Item, Location, Qty, TranDate)

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', -1.00000000, '2010-09-08 14:54:22.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', -1.00000000, '2011-01-12 10:02:17.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', 1.00000000, '2010-08-09 10:16:43.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', 1.00000000, '2011-01-11 10:09:11.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', 1.00000000, '2011-02-14 09:51:20.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336','FQAHold', 1.00000000, '2011-03-08 06:52:57.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', -2.00000000, '2009-09-13 16:31:44.040' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', -1.00000000, '2009-09-10 17:18:39.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', -1.00000000, '2011-01-11 10:09:11.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', 2.00000000, '2010-12-29 10:21:07.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1A103336', 'Quarantine', 3.00000000, '2009-09-04 12:09:10.000'

    --==== Select the records

    INSERT INTO #temp

    (Item, Location, Qty, LastAddDate )

    SELECT Item,


    SUM(Qty) Qty,


    FROM #mytable

    GROUP BY Item, Location

    MERGE #temp AS target

    USING ( SELECT Item, Location, MIN(TranDate)

    FROM #mytable

    WHERE Qty > 0

    GROUP BY Item, Location ) AS source (Item, Location, TranDate)

    ON ( target.Item = source.Item AND target.Location = source.Location )


    THEN UPDATE SET target.LastAddDate = source.TranDate;

    SELECT *

    FROM #temp

    However, when I do that, I get the following errors:

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.

    Piecing it out, I find that the error is with the MERGE statement.

    What am I doing wrong?


  • What version of SQL Server are you using?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • SQL 2000

  • Well, that explains it - my code was written (and runs) under 2008 R2.

    I will try to ocme up with something backward compatible.

  • Thanks. I apologize for that. I am used to working in 2005 and 2008. I forgot this was 2000. I appreciate your efforts on this.

  • How about this?

    SELECT Item,


    SUM(Qty) Qty,

    DATEDIFF(DAY, ( select MAX(TranDate) from #mytable T_inner

    where T_inner.Item = T_Outer.Item and

    T_inner.Location = T_Outer.Location

    and T_inner.Qty > 0)

    , GETDATE()) LastAddDate

    FROM #mytable T_Outer

    GROUP BY ITEM, Location

    I just made the the MAX into a subquery, thats all

  • Yes, that would work. For larger tables I would do this:

    SELECT Item,


    SUM(Qty) Qty,


    WHEN Qty < 0 THEN NULL -- aggregate functions ignore nulls

    ELSE DATEDIFF( ... )

    END ) LastAddDate

    FROM #mytable

    GROUP BY Item, Location

  • Thank you very much. Your help is greatly appreciated.


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