Monthly Trend Calculation

  • I tried below combining it into three CTE but still no luck 🙁

    WITH Cnt AS (

    select Count(Distinct UserID) as Entitled_Users, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(t.WhenAddedToGroup),MONTH(t.WhenAddedToGroup),1) as When_Added_To_Group

    from HVDMembership t

    where FirstName not like '%test%' and LastName not like '%test%' and FirstName not like '%user%' and LastName not like '%user%' and Account_Disabled not like 'YES' and Obj_Type not like 'NON_USER' and Region not like 'EMEA' and Region not like 'CCLA' and SecGroup IN ('SecurityGroup1', 'SecurityGroup2', 'SecurityGroup3', 'SecurityGroup4')and curr_member like 'yes' and ATTUID is not null and WhenAddedToGroup is not null

    Group By DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(t.WhenAddedToGroup),MONTH(t.WhenAddedToGroup),1)


    , Concurrent

    as (

    SELECT c.EventType, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(c.Event_Date),MONTH(c.Event_Date),1) as Concurrent_Date, MAX(c.MAX_Concurrent_Users) as Peak_Concurrent_Users, c.Hub

    FROM vNon_Concurrent_Users c

    where c.EventType like 'Broker_Daily_Max_Users' and c.Hub like 'TOK Hub'

    group by DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(c.Event_Date),MONTH(c.Event_Date),1), c.Hub, c.EventType


    , Capacity

    as (

    select hs.hub, hs.NAME, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(hs.BOOT_TIME),MONTH(hs.BOOT_TIME),1) as Host_Boot_Time,

    ROUND(CAST(hs.CPU_CORE_COUNT as FLOAT)*hs.CPU_Hz*count(cast(hs.HOSTID as BIGINT))/800000000,0) as Host_Capacity


    where hs.hub like 'TOK Hub'

    group by hs.hub, hs.CPU_CORE_COUNT, hs.CPU_Hz, hs.NAME, hs.BOOT_TIME


    Select When_Added_To_Group, Entitled_Users, (Select SUM(t2.Entitled_Users) as Entitled_Users

    from Cnt T2

    where T2.When_Added_To_Group <=T1.When_Added_To_Group) as Running_Total,

    Select Peak_concurrent_users, concurrent_date from Concurrent,

    select SUM(Host_Capacity), Host_Boot_Time from Capacity

    where When_Added_To_Group=Concurrent_date, When_Added_To_Group=Host_Boot_time

    from Cnt T1

  • I expanded the code a bit and added more rows to list for month and year as two separate columns

    CREATE TABLE #Temp (When_Added_To_Sec_Group DATE , UserID INT)

    INSERT #Temp Values ('10/2/2015',1), ('10/1/2015',2), ('11/24/2015',3),

    ('11/20/2015',4), ('11/18/2015',5), ('12/9/2015',6), ('1/16/2016',7), ('1/27/2016',8),('2/2/2016',9);

    WITH Cnt AS(

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t.UserID) AS Value, MONTH(t.When_Added_To_Sec_Group) As Mnth, Year(t.When_Added_To_Sec_Group) As yr

    FROM #Temp t

    GROUP BY MONTH(t.When_Added_To_Sec_Group), Year(t.When_Added_To_Sec_Group)


    SELECT t1.yr,t1.mnth, sum(t2.value) as runningSum_perYear

    FROM cnt as t1 inner join cnt as t2 on (t2.mnth <=t1.mnth and t2.yr<=t1.yr)

    Group by t1.mnth, t1.yr


  • danny.delgado 65386 (12/14/2015)

    I tried below combining it into three CTE but still no luck 🙁

    WITH Cnt AS (

    select Count(Distinct UserID) as Entitled_Users, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(t.WhenAddedToGroup),MONTH(t.WhenAddedToGroup),1) as When_Added_To_Group

    from HVDMembership t

    where FirstName not like '%test%' and LastName not like '%test%' and FirstName not like '%user%' and LastName not like '%user%' and Account_Disabled not like 'YES' and Obj_Type not like 'NON_USER' and Region not like 'EMEA' and Region not like 'CCLA' and SecGroup IN ('SecurityGroup1', 'SecurityGroup2', 'SecurityGroup3', 'SecurityGroup4')and curr_member like 'yes' and ATTUID is not null and WhenAddedToGroup is not null

    Group By DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(t.WhenAddedToGroup),MONTH(t.WhenAddedToGroup),1)


    , Concurrent

    as (

    SELECT c.EventType, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(c.Event_Date),MONTH(c.Event_Date),1) as Concurrent_Date, MAX(c.MAX_Concurrent_Users) as Peak_Concurrent_Users, c.Hub

    FROM vNon_Concurrent_Users c

    where c.EventType like 'Broker_Daily_Max_Users' and c.Hub like 'TOK Hub'

    group by DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(c.Event_Date),MONTH(c.Event_Date),1), c.Hub, c.EventType


    , Capacity

    as (

    select hs.hub, hs.NAME, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(hs.BOOT_TIME),MONTH(hs.BOOT_TIME),1) as Host_Boot_Time,

    ROUND(CAST(hs.CPU_CORE_COUNT as FLOAT)*hs.CPU_Hz*count(cast(hs.HOSTID as BIGINT))/800000000,0) as Host_Capacity


    where hs.hub like 'TOK Hub'

    group by hs.hub, hs.CPU_CORE_COUNT, hs.CPU_Hz, hs.NAME, hs.BOOT_TIME


    Select When_Added_To_Group, Entitled_Users, (Select SUM(t2.Entitled_Users) as Entitled_Users

    from Cnt T2

    where T2.When_Added_To_Group <=T1.When_Added_To_Group) as Running_Total,

    Select Peak_concurrent_users, concurrent_date from Concurrent,

    select SUM(Host_Capacity), Host_Boot_Time from Capacity

    where When_Added_To_Group=Concurrent_date, When_Added_To_Group=Host_Boot_time

    from Cnt T1

    When you say no luck, what exactly are you encountering. I understood the DATEFROMPARTS function is not in 2008 version. Is this what you mean?


  • I got lost here

    Select When_Added_To_Group, Entitled_Users, (Select SUM(t2.Entitled_Users) as Entitled_Users

    from Cnt T2

    where T2.When_Added_To_Group <=T1.When_Added_To_Group) as Running_Total,

    Select Peak_concurrent_users, concurrent_date from Concurrent,

    select SUM(Host_Capacity), Host_Boot_Time from Capacity

    where When_Added_To_Group=Concurrent_date, When_Added_To_Group=Host_Boot_time

    from Cnt T1

    To me this makes no sense.... But i'm not that bright so maybe some one can explain this to me. It appears you have nested?? queries inside the select of your final select query? I don't see how your joining these together. for one result set. it looks like a mis-match of result sets.

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Hi Thomas,

    I think my syntax/logic in not correct that is why it's confusing...Apologies as I am not that expert on CTE's so hoping for your kind help...

    The query below is to get the Peak number of users from Concurrent CTE...

    Select Peak_concurrent_users, concurrent_date from Concurrent

    The query below is to SUM the total_Host capacity which I am hoping to query from Capacity CTE...

    select SUM(Host_Capacity), Host_Boot_Time from Capacity

    where When_Added_To_Group=Concurrent_date, When_Added_To_Group=Host_Boot_time

    I guess my syntax/logic is wrong...Appreciate if you can help. Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Danny,

    It appears that you are mixing 3 queries with nothing in common at the bottom. You need some common element that they can join together on. If not they need to be 3 separate queries or datasets for your report. What are you trying to achieve as your end goal? Can you mock up a quick dummy result set of columns and rows?

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • MS SQL version is 2012 SP1....Below are some of the errors I encountered...

    Incorrect Syntax near the keyword Select...

    Incorrect Syntax near ','

    I tried the below query and i got the error

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where'

    Select When_Added_To_Group, Entitled_Users, (Select SUM(t2.Entitled_Users) as Entitled_Users

    from Cnt T2

    where T2.When_Added_To_Group <=T1.When_Added_To_Group) as Running_Total,

    Peak_Users = (Select Peak_concurrent_users from Concurrent),

    ConcurrentDate = (Select concurrent_date from Concurrent),

    HostCapacity = (select SUM(Host_Capacity) from Capacity),

    HostBootTime = (select Host_Boot_Time from Capacity),

    where When_Added_To_Group=Concurrent_date, When_Added_To_Group=Host_Boot_time

    from Cnt T1

    Hope my description makes sense...Thanks.

  • What are you actually trying to achieve ?

    The query is only partly formed and will never work the way it is.

    Your syntax errors are due to having commas where there should be no commas and incorrect order of statements.




    (Select SUM(t2.Entitled_Users) as Entitled_Users from Cnt T2 where T2.When_Added_To_Group <=T1.When_Added_To_Group) as Running_Total,

    Peak_Users = (Select Peak_concurrent_users from Concurrent),

    ConcurrentDate = (Select concurrent_date from Concurrent),

    HostCapacity = (select SUM(Host_Capacity) from Capacity),

    HostBootTime = (select Host_Boot_Time from Capacity), --this comma should not be here

    from Cnt T1 --from MUST be before the where statement


    When_Added_To_Group=Concurrent_date, --this comma needs to be AND or OR


  • I have no idea if this will even work. If your training this many CTE's together there probably is a better way.

    WITH Cnt AS (

    select Count(Distinct UserID) as Entitled_Users, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(t.WhenAddedToGroup),MONTH(t.WhenAddedToGroup),1) as When_Added_To_Group

    from HVDMembership t

    where FirstName not like '%test%' and LastName not like '%test%' and FirstName not like '%user%' and LastName not like '%user%' and Account_Disabled not like 'YES' and Obj_Type not like 'NON_USER' and Region not like 'EMEA' and Region not like 'CCLA' and SecGroup IN ('SecurityGroup1', 'SecurityGroup2', 'SecurityGroup3', 'SecurityGroup4')and curr_member like 'yes' and ATTUID is not null and WhenAddedToGroup is not null

    Group By DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(t.WhenAddedToGroup),MONTH(t.WhenAddedToGroup),1)


    , Concurrent

    as (

    SELECT c.EventType, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(c.Event_Date),MONTH(c.Event_Date),1) as Concurrent_Date, MAX(c.MAX_Concurrent_Users) as Peak_Concurrent_Users, c.Hub

    FROM vNon_Concurrent_Users c

    where c.EventType like 'Broker_Daily_Max_Users' and c.Hub like 'TOK Hub'

    group by DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(c.Event_Date),MONTH(c.Event_Date),1), c.Hub, c.EventType


    , Capacity

    as (

    select hs.hub, hs.NAME, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(hs.BOOT_TIME),MONTH(hs.BOOT_TIME),1) as Host_Boot_Time,

    ROUND(CAST(hs.CPU_CORE_COUNT as FLOAT)*hs.CPU_Hz*count(cast(hs.HOSTID as BIGINT))/800000000,0) as Host_Capacity


    where hs.hub like 'TOK Hub'

    group by hs.hub, hs.CPU_CORE_COUNT, hs.CPU_Hz, hs.NAME, hs.BOOT_TIME


    Select When_Added_To_Group, Entitled_Users, SUM(t2.Entitled_Users) as Entitled_Users, Peak_concurrent_users ,SUM(Host_Capacity)

    from Cnt T2

    INNER JOIN Cnt t1 on T2.When_Added_To_Group <=T1.When_Added_To_Group

    INNER JOIN Concurrent Crnt ON crnt.Concurrent_Date = t1.When_Added_To_Group

    INNER JOIN Capacity Cp ON cp.Host_Boot_Time = t1.When_Added_To_Group

    GROUP BY t1.When_Added_To_Group

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Hi Thomas,

    after the CTE's I tried the below query and it seems to be working...

    Select cu.Hub, cu.Concurrent_Date, Entitled_Users, cu.Peak_Concurrent_Users, (Select SUM(t2.Entitled_Users) as Entitled_Users

    from Cnt T2

    where T2.When_Added_To_Group <=t1.When_Added_To_Group) as Entitlement_Running_Total

    from Cnt T1

    INNER JOIN Concurrent cu on cu.Concurrent_Date=t1.When_Added_To_Group

    group by cu.Concurrent_Date, cu.Hub, Entitled_Users, cu.Peak_Concurrent_Users, t1.When_Added_To_Group

    order by cu.Concurrent_Date desc

    Below are few example of the output...


    Hub1|1/12/2015 12:00 AM|207|112|526

    Hub1|1/11/2015 12:00 AM|20|124|319

    Hub1|1/10/2015 12:00 AM|7|112|299

    Hub1|1/09/2015 12:00 AM|30|85|292

    now I am trying to add the capacity CTE to the rest fo the CTE's but I cannot make the Capacity_Running_Total....

    ,Capacity AS (

    select hs.hub as Hub, hs.NAME, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(hs.BOOT_TIME),MONTH(hs.BOOT_TIME),1) as Host_Boot_Time,

    ROUND(CAST(hs.CPU_CORE_COUNT as FLOAT)*hs.CPU_Hz*count(cast(hs.HOSTID as BIGINT))/800000000,0) as Host_Capacity


    where hs.hub like 'TOK Hub'

    group by hs.hub, hs.CPU_CORE_COUNT, hs.CPU_Hz, hs.NAME, hs.BOOT_TIME


    Select cu.Hub, cu.Concurrent_Date, Entitled_Users, cu.Peak_Concurrent_Users, SUM(cap.Host_Capacity) as Hub_Capacity, (Select SUM(t2.Entitled_Users) as Entitled_Users

    from Cnt T2

    where T2.When_Added_To_Group <=t1.When_Added_To_Group) as Entitlement_Running_Total

    from Cnt T1

    INNER JOIN Concurrent cu on cu.Concurrent_Date=t1.When_Added_To_Group

    INNER JOIN Capacity cap on cap.Hub=cu.Hub

    group by cu.Concurrent_Date, cu.Hub, Entitled_Users, cu.Peak_Concurrent_Users, t1.When_Added_To_Group

    order by cu.Concurrent_Date desc

    And the output is something like this...You will notice that the value of Hub_Capacity is "always" 442 for each month...Hub_Capacity will depend if the HOSTS/Server is online/powered ON or was shutdown for Maintenance or if new HOST/Server is added to the existing capacity....The column hs.BOOT_TIME will show when the HOST/Server is powered ON/added to the capacity...hs.Boot_Time is almost similar to the When_Added_To_Group column...


    Hub1|1/12/2015 12:00 AM|207|112|526|442

    Hub1|1/11/2015 12:00 AM|20|124|319|442

    Hub1|1/10/2015 12:00 AM|7|112|299|442

    Hub1|1/09/2015 12:00 AM|30|85|292|442

    Since the HOSTS/Server is not powered ON/Not added every Month I used the Hub Column to join it to the rest of the CTE's...I am not sure whether I need to use hs.BOOT_TIME Column or Hub Column...

    Below is the output I am hoping to get where the Hub_Capacity column will reflect the value when a new HOST is powered ON or added to the capacity or HOST is shutdown for will notice the value of the Hub_Capacity is not always 442....


    Hub1|1/12/2015 12:00 AM|207|112|526|442

    Hub1|1/11/2015 12:00 AM|20|124|319|376

    Hub1|1/10/2015 12:00 AM|7|112|299|348

    Hub1|1/09/2015 12:00 AM|30|85|292|282

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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