Month Attribute showing Repeating data items when browsing the dimension

  • DONE IT!!

    Im still not quite sure why and I had to use the Dimension health checker but here it is

    I Have

    •TimeID (Int)

    •Date (Date Time)

    •Financial Year (Int)

    •Financial Month Number (Int)

    •Financial Month (Varchar)

    The Attribute Keys are:

    •TimeID (Int)

    oTime ID

    •Date (Date Time)


    •Financial Year (Int)

    oFinancial Year

    •Financial Month Number (Int)

    oFinancial Year

    oFinancial Month Number

    •Financial Month (Varchar)

    oFinancial Month Number

    oName Column – Financial Month

    So Financial Month is basically just the Name, Financial Year Number is its Identifier and is connected to year

    Attribute Relationships

    FinancialMonthNumber > Financial Month

    FinancialMonthNumber > Financial Year

    TimeID > Date

    TimeID > FinancialMonthNumber

    What is annoying is that although it works Im still getting messages like avioud visible attribute hierarchies used as levels in user defined hierarchies and atribute relationships do not exist between one or more than one level of this hierarchy.

    But honestly, because it works I dont really fancy trying to 'fix' those.

    If I can get this working in my original time dimension I wil be very happy. Thank you 🙂

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