Monitoring Jobs - Website Creation?

  • We're in the process of getting Quest's Foglight tool to monitor our databases.  (Oracle and SQL)  However, we are not going to be paying for a license to monitor every server that we have running, which I'm sure is common.  So, I'd like to set up something to help us monitor our jobs on a daily basis.

    For right now I'm more interested in doing this for SQL Server, but might try to do something similar with Oracle, too.

    Does anyone have an example of something they have set up?  I was thinking of creating a SP and putting it in every Master database for a server that I want to monitor.  Then, selling up an SSL website that would pass my Windows Authentication onto the DB server, execute the SP, then display the results.  The SP would basically have the information you see in the Jobs tab, plus maybe a few other key things that I haven't identified yet.  I'd also set up the website to change depending on results.  In other words, if something came back from my SP as "failed" it would turn red or be bold on the screen...

    I'm sure someone else has done something like this so any examples or thoughts are greatly appreciated.



  • Why not just use MSX as a central server to manage jobs and then use Foglight on that server only?

    DBA with an attitude

  • Honestly I haven't read up on that, but that's because I'd be concerned that having a single point of failure for every backup/maintenance/application job we have would set us up for a really bad day when that MSX box went down.  And, chances are I wouldn't get a really nice server to do it and the chances of failure would be higher.  Plus, creating a website to do it is going to cost a lot less than buying a server...

    But, it's definitely something I had considered in the beginning...Is my single point of failure concern warranted?


  • If you have a MS exchange server in the same domain as your SQL Servers, then each job can send a status email or a page to a distribution list.

    For Oracle, if you are running the jobs via Oracle Enterprise Manager, email and paging functionality also exists but does not require Exchange.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • We don't allow SQLMail usage, so that nullifies the e-mail notifications, but good thought. 

  • If you do not allow emails from your SQL Servers, then how do you expect Quest's Foglight tool to notify you of problems ?

    Have you seen the hardware requirements for the Quest's Foglight tool?


    Here they are:

    • Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP3),2003 or Solaris 8, 9

    • DualProcessor

    • 2 GB Memory/3 GB Swap

    • 2 - 4 GB Disk For Installation

    • 10-50 GB Disk for Historical Data

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • We don't allow e-mails from our production environments.  We'll allow them from our Quest Foglight Management Server, of course.  There are exceptions to every rule.  I just meant that we wouldn't want e-mails being sent from all of our SQL Servers that I need to monitor that won't be monitored by Quest...Sorry I wasn't more clear.

  • Mike

    With a MSX/TSX setup, the jobs are copied out to the TSX's. if the MSX is offline the jobs still execute on the TSX they just don't poll for changes.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Phill:

    interesting, I guess I should have expected that to be the case.  I was also just realizing that we could use the Quest server as the MSX. 

    Thanks for the info.  I'll do some reading on MSX/TSX's this week.


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