Monitoring File Sizes in SQL Server Part 2

  • Comments posted here are about the content posted at temp

  • Hi to all.

    I think the title "Monitoring File Sizes in SQL Server" is not completely correct.

    When noticing this title I thought '"this is what I'm looking for" but it seems to measure the fixed filesize from a file location but not the actual filesize.

    For one of our apllication I have to measure the actual filesize due to some unexpected growth and shrinking so I was looking for a way to retrieve these sizes from the database.(Files must be fixed according the application vendor)

    The table "database.sysfiles" is not exact enough; This sys-table only contains the fixed filesize for each file but not the actual filling of this fixed size.

    so I tried to write me a script to retrieve the actual filesize from the filesystem but unfortunately it retrieves the fixed size as well !!! ;-(

    This script is far more easy to use for other purposses as the VBS / HTML script you suggesting in part 1 and part 2.

    I hope you ( and others  ) can use it in any way whatsoever;

    create table #temp( col1 varchar(300))

    insert into #temp exec master..xp_cmdshell' dir\\<servername>\<foldername>'

    delete from #temp where ( col1 is null )

    delete from #temp where ( col1 not like '%<discrimination on some file names>%' )

    select  substring(col1,charindex('MMS',col1,1),50) as XX_filename,

               substring(col1,charindex('MMS',col1,1)-18,18)  as XX_filesize

    from #temp

    drop table #temp

    From here you can hook up any other TSQL script.



    THe Netherlands  

  • Hi,

    I am fairly new to VBs scripts and thought is this just what I need to update Our old Batch file process that does the same thing. But when I try to switch drives and then run the code it fails with Acess denied for the other drive (H:\)  Any one with any ideas.



  • Hi:

    this example them can be of utility

    Function BDSql(strComputer)

    Dim strSql 'Used to hold the SQL Query

    Dim objConn 'Used for the Connection object

    Dim objRst 'Used for the Recordset object

    Dim fecha

    SQLDMOSecurity_Integrated  = 1

    SQLDMOSecurity_Mixed         = 2

    SQLDMOSecurity_Normal       = 0

    SQLDMOSecurity_Unknown   = 9

    strDBServerName = StrComputer

    'On Error Resume Next

    Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    objConn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;" & "Data Source=ccstnoc;" & "Initial Catalog=sistemanoc;" & "User Id=cuenta;" & "Password=password"

    Set objSQLServer = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")

    objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True

    objSQLServer.Connect strDBServerName

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then

     EXPLANATION = "Proceso termino con problemas"

     BDSql = False

    End If

    Set colDatabases = objSQLServer.Databases

    'WScript.echo "SQL Version String: " & objSQLServer.VersionString

    Select Case objSQLServer.ServerLoginMode(strDBServerName)

       Case SQLDMOSecurity_Integrated

          Login = "Login Mode: Allow Windows Authentication only."

       Case SQLDMOSecurity_Mixed

          Login = "Login Mode: Allow Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication."

       Case SQLDMOSecurity_Normal

          Login =  "Login Mode: Allow SQL Server Authentication only."

       Case SQLDMOSecurity_Unknown

          Login = "Login Mode: Security type unknown."

    End Select

    'strSql3 = "delete from SqlServer where nombre = '" & strDBServerName & "'"

    'Set objRst3 = objConn.Execute(strSql3)

    For Each objDatabase In colDatabases

       'WScript.Echo objDatabase.Name

       strDBName = objDatabase.Name

       Set objDB = objSQLServer.Databases(strDBName)

       'WScript.Echo "Total Size of Data File + Transaction Log of DB " & strDBName & ": " & objDB.Size & "(MB)"

       'WScript.echo "Space Left (Data File + Transaction Log) for DB " & strDBName & ": " & objDB.SpaceAvailableInMB & "(MB)"


       strSql3 = "insert into SqlServer(Nombre, VersionSQL, BaseDatos, TamanoBD, EspacioLibre, Login, fecha ) values('" & strDBServerName & "', '" & objSQLServer.VersionString & "', '" & strDBName & "', '" & objDB.Size & "', '" & objDB.SpaceAvailableInMB & "', '" & Login & "', '" & Date & "')"

       Set objRst3 = objConn.Execute(strSql3)


    BDSql = True

    EXPLANATION = "proceso termino ok."

    End Function

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