Monitor SSIS Job

  • We have a SQL Job that calls an SSIS package. This package used to take about 10 minutes to run. A while back it started to take 1.5 hours and still does. We are able to narrow it down to which task in the control flow is taking the longest.

    I'm very new to SSIS, but I have been asked to look in to it. So I guess I am wondering if anyone knows where I would start? I would like to some how monitor what goes on but the job runs at 3:30AM so I never get to see it till it's done running. Can I create an audit to record events for me to look at later? Is there a way to tell if tables are blocking/locking one another after the job has already ran? I can run the step again but it runs very quickly by itself so it's not that helpful.

    Below is the step that takes a long time, it's just a execute sql task with a query.

    --CREATE TABLE #FullList(

    DECLARE @FullList table (

    StoreProductId INT,

    StoreId INT,

    ProductId INT,

    NewTaxRate NUMERIC (7,6),

    BottleDeposit MONEY)

    --Insert values into #fullList

    INSERT INTO @FullList(StoreProductId, StoreId, ProductId , NewTaxRate , BottleDeposit)







    FROM dbo.tblTaxLoad WITH (NOLOCK)

    ORDER BY tblTaxLoad.StoreProductId


    --Update Taxes / Deposits 100 at a time

    declare @myIteration int

    declare @myCounter int

    set @myIteration = 0

    set @myCounter = 0


    -- Take 100 items at a time & put them in temp table #SubList


    WHILE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @FullList ) > 0


    SET @myCounter = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @FullList )


    -- Get next 100 items


    SELECT TOP 100 StoreProductId, StoreId, ProductId , NewTaxRate , BottleDeposit

    INTO #SubList

    FROM @FullList

    ORDER BY StoreProductId


    -- Update these items


    -- begin tran

    UPDATE tblStore_Product

    SET InStoreSalesTaxRate = NewTaxRate,

    Deposit = BottleDeposit

    --select *

    FROM #SubList SubList

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblStore_Product WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON SubList.StoreProductId = tblStore_Product.[Id]


    -- rollback


    -- Report to screen


    set @myIteration = @myIteration + 1

    print 'Iteration ' + cast(@myIteration as varchar) + ': ' + cast(@myCounter as varchar) + ' left'


    -- Remove updated from #FullList table & LoadTable


    DELETE FullList FROM @FullList FullList

    INNER JOIN #SubList

    ON FullList.StoreProductId = #SubList.StoreProductId

    DELETE tblTaxLoad FROM dbo.tblTaxLoad

    INNER JOIN #SubList

    ON tblTaxLoad.StoreProductId = #SubList.StoreProductId


    -- Drop temp table (to be remade again)


    DROP TABLE #SubList

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:00.200'-- .2 second between each iteration



    -- Drop temp table -- @FullList will simply go out of scope

    --DROP TABLE #FullList

  • Which version of SSIS are you working with?

    The first step is to enable logging and the appropriate events to see what is going on when the package runs.

    Integration Services (SSIS) Logging

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Bids 2008 is the version. I am looking at that link now, this information is all new to me so it will certainly be challenging to implement.

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