Model database not owned by dbo SQL Server 2005

  • Somehow a model database is now owned by a user rather than dbo (eventhough this should not be possible). I do not have a backup of this database. Is there any way to remedy this situation?



  • Hi Jon,

    I think you can change the owner of the "model" database like this:

    1. Click on "model" database properties

    2. Select the page "Files"

    3. In "Owner", click on elipses (...) and here you can make the "sa" as owner of the database.

    Hope this helps.




  • Hi,

    Thanks for the response. This does not work as you are not allowed to change the owner of the model database throught Management Studio or using sp_changedbowner.


  • Database owner must be a login (e.g. sa etc). dbo is a predefined database user in db_owner role.  By default dbo maps to the schema dbo.

  • Yes. I am trying to change the model db owner to 'sa' but am unable to do so because you cannot change the owner of the model db. It's current owner has somehow become an NT user account.

    Any possible solutions would be much appreciated.



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