Missing Resultset when calling a Stored Procedure that calls a Nested Stored Procedure

  • There is a missing resultset when calling a stored procedure with a

    nested stored procedure.



        @nResult int



        SET @nResult = @nResult + 10

        SELECT @nResult AS Total




    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_ProcessTotal



        EXECUTE usp_AddTen 123

        SET @nDog = 1000

        SELECT @nDog AS MyTestOutput



    When I call a stored procedure with a nested stored procedure via the ADO

    Recordset Object, I only get the first resultset back.  For instance, if I

    call usp_ProcessTotal it will only return a single record and in this case I

    will get a column named "Total' with a 133 value.  The recordset output for

    usp_ProcessTotal is missing, in particular, "MyTestOutput" doesn't exist as a

    recordset when called from ADO.

    The strange thing is that is I call the usp_ProcessTotal from the Query

    Analyzer, it will return two recordsets, the first one is a column named

    "Total" with 133 in it and the second recordset is "MyTestOutput" with 1000

    in it.  The Query Analyzer output contains two recordsets.

    This isn't a SET NOCOUNT ON issue or a get/move to next record issue.  The

    recordset for MyTestOutput doesn't seem to exist when calling nested stored

    procedure (or variations on this example like calling extended stored

    procedures within a main stored procedure).  In other words, there is only a

    single resultset returned to the client.  If I comment out the nested sp call

    to usp_AddTen, then I will get the missing recordset "MyTestOutput" with 1000

    in it.  For some reason, a nested stored procedure call fails to obey the SET

    NOCOUNT ON or to allow a multiple resultset be returned from the main calling

    stored procedure.

    Normally, I would not use a recordset as output and use OUTPUT variables

    instead to solve the problem but this is not possible for our application

    because the ADO Command Object does not exist in our ADO library (i.e. ADOCE,

    CEFusion, etc.) and we are precluded from ever using OUTPUT variables.

    Is there a method to tell SQL Server 2000 (SP3) that I have no interest in

    the nested stored procedure resultset and only want the last SELECT statement

    in usp_ProcessTotal to return a recordset?

    How can I suppress nested stored procedure resultset or find a solution that

    will properly return multiple recordsets to the client?

    Any solutions for the missing resultset when calling a stored procedure with

    nested stored procedures?

  • In your code you're actually looking for two distinct recordsets, right? Not both results returned in a single recordset. Basically using the NextRecordset method...

    NextRecordset Example

    K. Brian Kelley

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