Missing months group by

  • Other than making the batch dynamic, this should be very close:
    DROP TABLE #SummedData
    -- create a matrix of date, country and type and left-join the data set to it
    -- so as to backfill "missing" results. Calculate running totals - it's convenient here.
    ;WITH Matrix AS (
     SELECT [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth), y.Country, z.[Type]
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
        SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
        FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
     CROSS JOIN (VALUES ('A'), ('B')) z ([Type])
    SELECT m.Bdate, m.Country, m.[Type],
     P1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     P2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
      R1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.R1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate)
    INTO #SummedData
    FROM Matrix m
    LEFT JOIN #temp4 t
     ON t.Bdate = m.Bdate
     AND t.Country = m.Country
     AND t.[Type] = m.[Type]

    -- swivel the backfilled result
    SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country,
     'MAR-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-03-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     'APR-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-04-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     'MAY-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-05-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     'JUN-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-06-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     'JUL-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-07-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)
    FROM #SummedData t
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ('P1',P1,1),('P2',P2,2),('C1',C1,3),('C2',C2,4),('R1',R1,5)) x ([Desc], [Value], ReportOrder)
    GROUP BY t.Country, t.Type, x.ReportOrder, x.[Desc]
    HAVING (t.[Type] = 'A' AND x.[Desc] IN ('P1','P2'))
     OR (t.[Type] = 'B' AND x.[Desc] IN ('C1','C2','R1'))
    ORDER BY t.Country, t.[Type], x.ReportOrder
    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work - Monday, June 19, 2017 10:12 AM

    Other than making the batch dynamic, this should be very close:
    DROP TABLE #SummedData
    -- create a matrix of date, country and type and left-join the data set to it
    -- so as to backfill "missing" results. Calculate running totals - it's convenient here.
    ;WITH Matrix AS (
     SELECT [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth), y.Country, z.[Type]
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
        SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
        FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
     CROSS JOIN (VALUES ('A'), ('B')) z ([Type])
    SELECT m.Bdate, m.Country, m.[Type],
     P1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     P2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
      R1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.R1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate)
    INTO #SummedData
    FROM Matrix m
    LEFT JOIN #temp4 t
     ON t.Bdate = m.Bdate
     AND t.Country = m.Country
     AND t.[Type] = m.[Type]

    -- swivel the backfilled result
    SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country,
     'MAR-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-03-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     'APR-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-04-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     'MAY-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-05-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     'JUN-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-06-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     'JUL-17' = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-07-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)
    FROM #SummedData t
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ('P1',P1,1),('P2',P2,2),('C1',C1,3),('C2',C2,4),('R1',R1,5)) x ([Desc], [Value], ReportOrder)
    GROUP BY t.Country, t.Type, x.ReportOrder, x.[Desc]
    HAVING (t.[Type] = 'A' AND x.[Desc] IN ('P1','P2'))
     OR (t.[Type] = 'B' AND x.[Desc] IN ('C1','C2','R1'))
    ORDER BY t.Country, t.[Type], x.ReportOrder

    Yes it is displaying correct result now even if there is no data. Can you please help with dynamic dates,right now it shows data for first 6 dates only .

  • WITH calendarMonths(FirstOfMonth)
    (SELECT DateAdd(mm, number, '20170101') FROM master.dbo.spt_values sv WHERE type='P')
    FROM calendarMonths;

  • Joe Torre - Monday, June 19, 2017 2:25 PM

    WITH calendarMonths(FirstOfMonth)
    (SELECT DateAdd(mm, number, '20170101') FROM master.dbo.spt_values sv WHERE type='P')
    FROM calendarMonths;

    How to add it to my main code to show data between min and max dates?

  • The next step is to construct the statement as a string so it can be executed.
    Here's the entire output list constructed as a string from the source table:
    -- list of dates
    DECLARE @OutputList VARCHAR(5000) = 'SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country'
    ;WITH ListOfDates AS (
      [Title] = STUFF(RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(9),DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth),6),6),4,1,'-'),
      [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth)
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
        SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
        FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
    SELECT @OutputList = @OutputList + ',' + CHAR(13) + '['+[Title]+'] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Bdate],112) + ''' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)'
    FROM ListOfDates
    PRINT @OutputList

    All you have to do is reconstruct the whole query using this as a starting point. Personally, I'd put the next bit (the body of the query) into a second variable and then concatenate them to make the whole query. Have a try, holler if you get stuck.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work - Tuesday, June 20, 2017 4:39 AM

    The next step is to construct the statement as a string so it can be executed.
    Here's the entire output list constructed as a string from the source table:
    -- list of dates
    DECLARE @OutputList VARCHAR(5000) = 'SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country'
    ;WITH ListOfDates AS (
      [Title] = STUFF(RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(9),DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth),6),6),4,1,'-'),
      [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth)
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
        SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
        FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
    SELECT @OutputList = @OutputList + ',' + CHAR(13) + '['+[Title]+'] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Bdate],112) + ''' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)'
    FROM ListOfDates
    PRINT @OutputList

    All you have to do is reconstruct the whole query using this as a starting point. Personally, I'd put the next bit (the body of the query) into a second variable and then concatenate them to make the whole query. Have a try, holler if you get stuck.

    I am not sure how do i reconstruct it. can you help.

  • You (Papil), need to understand how the query works. I'm not sure you do, by your questions. Ask questions about the query, not the result.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 7:59 AM

    You (Papil), need to understand how the query works. I'm not sure you do, by your questions. Ask questions about the query, not the result.

    Papil, I have to agree with Steve. I've been hoping that you would have gone to some effort made some attempt to continue the project - we're on different timezones, after all. I'm disappointed that you have not. Here's all you need to complete the query. See what you can do. Run it and look at the [messages] tab in SSMS.
    if 0 = 1 begin
    CREATE TABLE #temp4(
     Bdate DATE
     ,Country VARCHAR(7)
     ,Type VARCHAR(4)
     ,P1 INT
     ,P2 INT
     ,C1 INT
     ,C2 INT
     ,R1 INT
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('3/1/2017','IN','A','20','10','0','0','0');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','IN','B','0','0','10','10','5');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','IN','A','10','10','0','0','0');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('3/1/2017','US','A','2','10','0','0','0');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','US','A','2','20','0','0','0');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('7/1/2017','US','A','2','8','0','0','0');

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SummedData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SummedData;
    -- create a matrix of date, country and type and left-join the data set to it
    -- so as to backfill "missing" results. Calculate running totals - it's convenient here.
    ;WITH Matrix AS (
     SELECT [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth), y.Country, z.[Type]
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
        SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
        FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
     CROSS JOIN (VALUES ('A'), ('B')) z ([Type])
    SELECT m.Bdate, m.Country, m.[Type],
     P1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     P2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
      R1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.R1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate)
    INTO #SummedData
    FROM Matrix m
    LEFT JOIN #temp4 t
     ON t.Bdate = m.Bdate
     AND t.Country = m.Country
     AND t.[Type] = m.[Type]

    -- Swivel the backfilled result. This hardcoded query must be constructed as dynamic SQL
    -- in order to manage the dates.
    SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country,
     [MAR-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-03-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [APR-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-04-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [MAY-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-05-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [JUN-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-06-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [JUL-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-07-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)
    FROM #SummedData t
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ('P1',P1,1),('P2',P2,2),('C1',C1,3),('C2',C2,4),('R1',R1,5)) x ([Desc], [Value], ReportOrder)
    GROUP BY t.Country, t.Type, x.ReportOrder, x.[Desc]
    HAVING (t.[Type] = 'A' AND x.[Desc] IN ('P1','P2'))
     OR (t.[Type] = 'B' AND x.[Desc] IN ('C1','C2','R1'))
    ORDER BY t.Country, t.[Type], x.ReportOrder

    -- List of dates, and SELECT list of query
    DECLARE @OutputList VARCHAR(8000) = 'SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country'
    ;WITH ListOfDates AS (
      [Title] = STUFF(RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(9),DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth),6),6),4,1,'-'),
      [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth)
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
        SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
        FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
    SELECT @OutputList = @OutputList + ',' + CHAR(13) + '   ['+[Title]+'] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Bdate],112) + ''' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)'
    FROM ListOfDates
    PRINT @OutputList

    -- Construct the FROM list of the query
    DECLARE @FROMlist VARCHAR(8000) = '
    FROM #SummedData t
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ([P1],P1,1),([P2],P2,2),([C1],C1,3),([C2],C2,4),([R1],R1,5)) x ([Desc], [Value], ReportOrder)
    GROUP BY t.Country, t.Type, x.ReportOrder, x.[Desc]
    HAVING (t.[Type] = ''A'' AND x.[Desc] IN (''P1'',''P2''))
     OR (t.[Type] = ''B'' AND x.[Desc] IN (''C1'',''C2'',''R1''))
    ORDER BY t.Country, t.[Type], x.ReportOrder'
    PRINT @FROMlist
    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 8:33 AM

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 7:59 AM

    You (Papil), need to understand how the query works. I'm not sure you do, by your questions. Ask questions about the query, not the result.

    Papil, I have to agree with Steve. I've been hoping that you would have gone to some effort made some attempt to continue the project - we're on different timezones, after all. I'm disappointed that you have not. Here's all you need to complete the query. See what you can do. Run it and look at the [messages] tab in SSMS.
    if 0 = 1 begin
    CREATE TABLE #temp4(
     Bdate DATE
     ,Country VARCHAR(7)
     ,Type VARCHAR(4)
     ,P1 INT
     ,P2 INT
     ,C1 INT
     ,C2 INT
     ,R1 INT
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('3/1/2017','IN','A','20','10','0','0','0');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','IN','B','0','0','10','10','5');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','IN','A','10','10','0','0','0');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('3/1/2017','US','A','2','10','0','0','0');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','US','A','2','20','0','0','0');
    INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('7/1/2017','US','A','2','8','0','0','0');

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SummedData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SummedData;
    -- create a matrix of date, country and type and left-join the data set to it
    -- so as to backfill "missing" results. Calculate running totals - it's convenient here.
    ;WITH Matrix AS (
     SELECT [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth), y.Country, z.[Type]
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
        SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
        FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
     CROSS JOIN (VALUES ('A'), ('B')) z ([Type])
    SELECT m.Bdate, m.Country, m.[Type],
     P1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     P2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
      R1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.R1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate)
    INTO #SummedData
    FROM Matrix m
    LEFT JOIN #temp4 t
     ON t.Bdate = m.Bdate
     AND t.Country = m.Country
     AND t.[Type] = m.[Type]

    -- Swivel the backfilled result. This hardcoded query must be constructed as dynamic SQL
    -- in order to manage the dates.
    SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country,
     [MAR-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-03-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [APR-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-04-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [MAY-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-05-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [JUN-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-06-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [JUL-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-07-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)
    FROM #SummedData t
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ('P1',P1,1),('P2',P2,2),('C1',C1,3),('C2',C2,4),('R1',R1,5)) x ([Desc], [Value], ReportOrder)
    GROUP BY t.Country, t.Type, x.ReportOrder, x.[Desc]
    HAVING (t.[Type] = 'A' AND x.[Desc] IN ('P1','P2'))
     OR (t.[Type] = 'B' AND x.[Desc] IN ('C1','C2','R1'))
    ORDER BY t.Country, t.[Type], x.ReportOrder

    -- List of dates, and SELECT list of query
    DECLARE @OutputList VARCHAR(8000) = 'SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country'
    ;WITH ListOfDates AS (
      [Title] = STUFF(RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(9),DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth),6),6),4,1,'-'),
      [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth)
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
        SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
        FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
    SELECT @OutputList = @OutputList + ',' + CHAR(13) + '   ['+[Title]+'] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Bdate],112) + ''' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)'
    FROM ListOfDates
    PRINT @OutputList

    -- Construct the FROM list of the query
    DECLARE @FROMlist VARCHAR(8000) = '
    FROM #SummedData t
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ([P1],P1,1),([P2],P2,2),([C1],C1,3),([C2],C2,4),([R1],R1,5)) x ([Desc], [Value], ReportOrder)
    GROUP BY t.Country, t.Type, x.ReportOrder, x.[Desc]
    HAVING (t.[Type] = ''A'' AND x.[Desc] IN (''P1'',''P2''))
     OR (t.[Type] = ''B'' AND x.[Desc] IN (''C1'',''C2'',''R1''))
    ORDER BY t.Country, t.[Type], x.ReportOrder'
    PRINT @FROMlist

    Chris,Can you pls explain the string conversion part to once -the 2 variables that you have created so that i can try it on my own further. thanks .

  • if 0 = 1 begin
     CREATE TABLE #temp4(
      Bdate DATE
      ,Country VARCHAR(7)
      ,Type VARCHAR(4)
      ,P1 INT
      ,P2 INT
      ,C1 INT
      ,C2 INT
      ,R1 INT
     INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('3/1/2017','IN','A','20','10','0','0','0');
     INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','IN','B','0','0','10','10','5');
     INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','IN','A','10','10','0','0','0');
     INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('3/1/2017','US','A','2','10','0','0','0');
     INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('5/1/2017','US','A','2','20','0','0','0');
     INSERT INTO #temp4(Bdate,Country,Type,P1,P2,C1,C2,R1) VALUES ('7/1/2017','US','A','2','8','0','0','0');
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SummedData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SummedData;
    -- create a matrix of date, country and type and left-join the data set to it
    -- so as to backfill "missing" results. Calculate running totals - it's convenient here.
    ;WITH Matrix AS (
     SELECT [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth), y.Country, z.[Type]
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
     SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
     FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
     CROSS JOIN (VALUES ('A'), ('B')) z ([Type])
    SELECT m.Bdate, m.Country, m.[Type],
     P1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     P2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.P2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     C2 = SUM(ISNULL(t.C2,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate),
     R1 = SUM(ISNULL(t.R1,0)) OVER(PARTITION BY m.Country, m.[Type] ORDER BY m.Bdate)
    INTO #SummedData
    FROM Matrix m
    LEFT JOIN #temp4 t
     ON t.Bdate = m.Bdate
     AND t.Country = m.Country
     AND t.[Type] = m.[Type] 
    -- Swivel the backfilled result. This is the hardcoded version of the query,
    -- which must be constructed as dynamic SQL in order to manage the dates.
    SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country,
     [MAR-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-03-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [APR-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-04-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [MAY-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-05-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [JUN-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-06-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END),
     [JUL-17] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = '2017-07-01' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)
    FROM #SummedData t
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ('P1',P1,1),('P2',P2,2),('C1',C1,3),('C2',C2,4),('R1',R1,5)) x ([Desc], [Value], ReportOrder)
    GROUP BY t.Country, t.Type, x.ReportOrder, x.[Desc]
    HAVING (t.[Type] = 'A' AND x.[Desc] IN ('P1','P2'))
     OR (t.[Type] = 'B' AND x.[Desc] IN ('C1','C2','R1'))
    ORDER BY t.Country, t.[Type], x.ReportOrder

    -- List of dates, and SELECT list of query
    DECLARE @OutputList VARCHAR(8000) = 'SELECT x.[Desc], t.[Type], t.Country'
    ;WITH ListOfDates AS (
     [Title] = STUFF(RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(9),DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth),6),6),4,1,'-'),
     [Bdate] = DATEADD(MONTH,n,StartMonth)
     FROM (SELECT StartMonth = MIN(Bdate), EndMonth = MAX(Bdate) FROM #temp4) m
     SELECT TOP(1+DATEDIFF(MONTH,m.StartMonth,m.EndMonth)) n
     FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) d (n)
     ) x
    SELECT @OutputList = @OutputList + ',' + CHAR(13) + ' ['+[Title]+'] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.Bdate = ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Bdate],112) + ''' THEN x.[Value] ELSE 0 END)'
    FROM ListOfDates

    -- Construct the FROM list of the query
    DECLARE @FROMlist VARCHAR(8000) = '
    FROM #SummedData t
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES (''P1'',P1,1),(''P2'',P2,2),(''C1'',C1,3),(''C2'',C2,4),(''R1'',R1,5)) x ([Desc], [Value], ReportOrder)
    GROUP BY t.Country, t.Type, x.ReportOrder, x.[Desc]
    HAVING (t.[Type] = ''A'' AND x.[Desc] IN (''P1'',''P2''))
     OR (t.[Type] = ''B'' AND x.[Desc] IN (''C1'',''C2'',''R1''))
    ORDER BY t.Country, t.[Type], x.ReportOrder'

    -- Compare the constructed string against the original query,
    -- also provides you with a copy to run for error checking
    PRINT @OutputList + @FROMlist

    -- Execute the constructed query
    EXEC (@OutputList + @FROMlist)

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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