Missing full backups in Backup History

  • Spent some time but i am unable to fix the issue.

    - Backup maintenance plan with full backup every day, all user db's

    - backup plan with

    - Network backup location, all BAK & TRN files are OK.

    - Last Backup date in DB properties windows = ok; corresponds to last BAK file.

    - Issue is only occurring on 1 of the db's, other db's are fine.

    issue when restoring full backup or point-in-time restore.

    - Restore window with backup history is not showing the last BAK file but only one BAK from 6 days ago. (although all BAK files exist on network)

    - all other entries in history list are TRN backups

    - backup chain is not broken

    Restore of other db on same server no issues at all.

    Anyone that could point me in a direction ...?

  • Something deleting backup history for that backup ?

    For instance, if you drop a database through the GUI, there's a checkbox default to delete backup history. If someone scripted out the delete of the database, and delete of history, then runs that before a restore, the history for that database will be gone.

    Perhaps someone made a custom script to delete recent history ?

    You could scan your code & jobs for reference to msdb..backupfile and msdb..backupfilegroup, which I think are the tables backup history is stored.

    Example of the script from the GUI:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_database_backuphistory @database_name = N'My_Database'


    USE [master]


    DROP DATABASE [My_Database]


  • Thanks for your suggestion! Will try this out on first occacion we can take db offline. I hope this will solve the issue, I'll keep you posted. thx

  • Why do you need the DB off line ?

    I was suggesting searching jobs and stored procedures for anything related to backup/restore history tables.

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