
  • I have to remove sql server mirroring in prod for multiple databases, just wanted to check is there a proper way of removing mirroring without affecting the application? Or i can just go and remove mirroring directly right click and properties from the database? Do i need to pause before removing or i can go ahead and remove the mirroring directly. Just to ensure it does not impact any applications? I am thinking to this during business hours hoping it won't really impact anything? Please advise?

  • No need to pause or do anything special. Refer to this documentation for clarification...
    Also, to make yourself feel more comfortable, try this in your Test environment and see what happens before pulling the trigger in Prod.

  • Thanks! However, i don't have mirroring configured in test, so i have no other option just pulling the trigger in Prod.

  • I have removed mirroring in Prod a few times with no issues.  To rest your worries and fears you could:  1) Take a fresh new full back up of the database(s) being mirrored  2) Remove mirroring during non-business hours  3)  Ensure your applications are not pointing to the Secondary as you are about to remove the "Replication" between the two servers.  4) After mirroring is removed, remember to do something with the secondary copy of the database, either delete it, or take it out of recovery mode if you want the data around for longer.

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