Mirgration 2005 RS to 2008 RS

  • Hi there,

    I have to migrate reports from 2005 RSto 2008 RS. What is the best way to do it? Any ideas are welcome.


  • I have migrated several reports simply by opening the 2005 reports in VS BIDS 2008 then saving them again. A few tweaks may be required but otherwise I have no ran into any other issues.

    Keep in mind when deploying the reports they will not deploy to a 2005 RS and will require a 2008 RS.

  • Thank you. I don't see Home folder in SSRS. how can I access to Home folder in RS 2008 ?

  • Are you talking about the home folder for where the reports are deployed? If so this may be on a different server where SQL Server 2008 has been installed or on the same server with a different instance name. For example, here on one machine we have //server/Reports which is for SQL Server 2005 and //server/Reports2008 for SQL Server 2008. If you aren't sure I would ask whoever was in charge of setting up the new deployment. Or, if you have access to the server yourself, log in and go to Start -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 -> Configuration Tools -> Reporting Services Configuration Manager. Once you connect to the new deployment, select "Report Manager URL" on the left side of the Configuration Manager and it will give you the URL.

    If you are looking for them locally on your machine as you are developing them, the files should be in My Documents -> Visual Studio 2008.

  • In MS SQL 2008 server(a new server), I connect to reporting service via SSMS. Then, I see Report server folder structures : job, Security, Shared Schedules.. But home folder is missing.

    In the exisitng MS SQL 2005 ( in old server), Home folder in report server is visible.

  • We migrated a 2005 RS system of over 200 reports and it was a complete NON-ISSUE. We did have the luxury of a side-by-side rollout onto a brand new server. Basically, attached the report server databases to the install and checked all reports via BIDS 2008 prior to rollout to see how each acted. We ran into a few minor formatting and grouping issues, but nothing terrible. One thing to focus on would be security and if you rely heavily on exporting to Excel, there were some intricacies there.

  • I am getting ready to migrate out reports from 2005 to 2008. On my test computer I followed the instructions from this site:


    It worked great. I will do the live thing tomorrow!

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