minimal domain privlidges for running SQL server

  • I created a new domain account and added it to all the SQL local groups on the server (the ones that get created when installing SQL). Then I made SQL run under this new domain user in SQL configuration manager, and restarted SQL. SQL restarted ok, and is up and running, but now when I try to connect to it from SQL management studio, I get an error: Cannot generate SSPI contect

    any thoughts? I'm assuming that the domain account now running SQL doesn't have permissions to do something, but I'm not sure what it's missing.

    thanks again!

  • You cannot use the MSSQLSERVER service account to login on SSMS unless that domain account has been added to logins on the instance.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Sspi context problem is due to failure to register the SPN. See my previous post for the domain rights needed to do that. Also as someone else said, computer acct needs to be trusted for delegation

  • NJ-DBA (3/9/2012)

    Sspi context problem is due to failure to register the SPN. See my previous post for the domain rights needed to do that. Also as someone else said, computer acct needs to be trusted for delegation

    Log on as sa and check the errorlog. On startup youll see the error about failing to register the spn

  • Thanks again. I added the SPN's, but when I try to log on, I get the "Cannot generate SSPI context" error on my SQL client. On the server's event mananger, there is an error "Unknown username or bad password"

    To check my SPN's, I do the following for the domain acount that is now running my SQL instance: (the domain account is "domain\SQLservice"). I added 6 SPN's, mostly because I wasn't sure of the port number, it listed 2 different port numbers, so I added one for port number 2433, the standard 1433, and one for no port number, each with the FQDN. Then I added one for just the machine name, HR01, then ones for the named instance of the SQL, HR01\SQL2008. These are my SPN listings:

    C:\Program Files\Support Tools>SETSPN -L domain\SQLservice

    Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=SQLservice,OU=SQL Access,OU=Groups,DC=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=com:








    C:\Program Files\Support Tools>

    Still can't connect as myself, have verified that my username "domain\ericb1" is listed in SQL and is the owner of at least 1 database. Is there something wrong with my SPN's Or do I need to re-start SQL after adding them? thanks again!

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