Migration of Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000

  • Good Morning All

    I have read all what you All said about migrate Access 2000 DB to SQL Server 2000 DB.

    I already migrate Access 2000 DB to SQL Server 2000 DB (with a lot of effort and a lot of fix bugs!!) and I use Access MDB as a Front end.

    But I have a different point of views:

    1- Donn't use Access ADP .. because a lot of things not supported in it .. and you can only link it to one SQL Server DB.

    2- use Access MDB .. everything is supported. (but of course it is not fast and reliable as Visual Basic)

    3- when you make migration, use Access XP. Access XP will transfer all things from Access to SQLServer (data, tables design, relationships ,... will be transfered)

    4- if you want to make queries on server, then you must learn how to write ( stored procedure ) on SQL Server

    I recommended you to read "Microsoft Access Developer's guide to SQL Server", it will solve most of your problems.

    and if u need any help, call me



    Alamir Mohamed

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Open Visio select new document catagory Database, Database Model Diagram.

    Once you have this open goto menu option database -> Reverse Engineer. You will have to create a ODBC connection to your access db. go thru wizard.

    Then goto Database -> Options -> Drivers... change to SQL driver.

    Then Database -> Generate... You may have to fix some problems before you can generate the db becaue is it possable to create things in access that will not move SQL.

    Unfortunatly your insert querys will not move. But most of them should be almost copy past to SQL stored procedures. Supposedly the upsizing wizard will do all this for you with the click of a few buttons. Never worked well for me. I have never tried with access XP. But it would be worth a try.

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