Migration : from 7.0 to 2000

  • Not sure. Just a regular domain I think.

  • You will not be able to have them on the domain at the same time. What I think you should do is detach and copy the databases, shut down the old SQL1. Delete the SQL1 computer account from the domain.

    Then bring the new SQL1 on the network, join the domain and continue with your restore.

    Steve Jones


  • Steve hits upon why I asked the question. Consider having two servers in the same domain with the same name as having two houses side by side both claiming to have the same address. Speaking from recent experience where the builder made a mistake and both my neighbor and I thought we were the same number, it is a nightmare. Who do you service? Who do you deliver mail to? With a domain, it's the same issue, so it isn't allowed.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • Do I attach the Master first ?

    If so, are there any issues ?

  • I have read that it is not possible to 'Attach' a 7.0 Master to a 2000 SQL Server and not possible to 'Restore' a 7.0 Master to 2000.

    What are your experiences with this ?

  • quote:

    I have read that it is not possible to 'Attach' a 7.0 Master to a 2000 SQL Server and not possible to 'Restore' a 7.0 Master to 2000.

    What are your experiences with this ?

  • quote:

    I have read that it is not possible to 'Attach' a 7.0 Master to a 2000 SQL Server and not possible to 'Restore' a 7.0 Master to 2000.

    What are your experiences with this ?

    I have done the backup/ restore method from 7.0 to 2000 successfully. You may want to do some testing before you do the real thing though j.i.c..

  • Other DBA's have informed me that a 7.0 Master WILL NOT restore to a 2000 Master and a 7.0 Master WILL NOT Attach to a 2000 Master. This is because system tables have changed in SQL Server 2000.

    Others say this will work.

    Steve J., bkelly & others ---> Whats your experiences with this ?

  • Haven't tried it. Doubt it would work. Only work with user dbs. Try to stay away from system dbs.

    Steve Jones


  • quote:

    What not use a 7.0 Backup, then Restore that to a 2000 DB ?

    Why is it no one ever recommends this for a Migration Path ?

    I have tried this and it generally works. I had one database though where the restore failed with an "internal consistency error". I was able to attach the db-files for that database without problems.

    For further information: I agree in the point made subsequently: It takes time to backup databses, and it takes even more time to restore the 7.0 backups under 2000. Attach of files is a quick operation though.

    For safety reaseon I keep copies of both the db-files from 7.0 and the backup files from 7.0 for some time just in case doubt arises at a later stage to wether the migration has been correct.

  • I don't really think the intention was to tell you to detach attach the master db from 7 (which you cannot attach a master anyway with attach DB you just more or less replace the other while the SQL server is off and the start it but I would not attempt between 7 and 2000). Just do the user databases themselves and make sure you keep in mind that you will need to run sp_dropuser and sp_droprole inside those databases to clean out them, then add your users and roles like you had before.

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