Migrating to a new Publication Server

  • Hi folks.  We just bought a shiny new server that will be tasked as out new primary production box.  Currently had the primary database as the pulisher for MERGE replication with the distributor on the same box.  We intend to move all of this to the new machine.

    Also, they intend to keep the server name the same, meaning I can install whatever I want on the new box while it has a temporary name and then they are going to decomission the old machine and rename the new one.

    The question I have is, what is the most painles way to transfer merge to the new box?  I can set up replication and publishing ahead of time.  I can restore the final copy of the old production database to the new machine.  and then...?

    Is it possible to just turn replication back on?  or is it going to realize I'm on a different machine and insist on repushing a new snapshot? 

  • Backup restore should be fine if the larger dbs...if the dbs are smaller I will go with detach/attach...

    log reader, snapshot, distribution and merge agents should be suspended before final tlog backup has taken or detached and make sure there are no replication transaction in pending...

    See BOL topic "Backing Up and Restoring Replication Databases"

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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