migrating a database to recover

  • All,

    i have a server program that installs a microsoft SQL engine. but the main database has been marked suspect. is it possible to migrate the database to a full SQL server to recover it and then migrate back to its original location? i ask because the sql instance does not come with any tools to fix the DB

    The server software is called Ariel it is a Document delivery service.

  • 1.try to detach the db and reattach the db,it shud come online.........

    2.else execute the following procedure .....sp_resetstatus 'DBName'.after exec it u need 2 restart the sqlservices.....then check whether the db is online



    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • i am not sure how to issue that command. the SQL server engine did not come with any tools that i can can find. where should i run this sp_resetstatus

  • if u are able to login into query analzer,try the procedure sp_resetstatus.....and restart sqlservices.else if u can login into enterprise manager,right click on the particular db and detach it and reattach it........or u can use the procedure sp_detach_db 'DBName' ,'True'......and then attach it with sp_ attach_db 'DBName','Datafile path','logfile path'



    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • HI,

    could you provide us wat r all the db's are in offline mode, since if ur master db is in offline, then you cant start your sqlserver engine itslef. If msdb and model are in offline, then you can bring them online as said above with single user mode.

  • When you say your main database, if its master you have to rebuild then add your logins. etc, etc and then bring up the server. Else if its going to be your application database. well yo can restore from the previous backup if any, else can follow deepak's suggestion to reset the status to see if it somes online. most cases the database will not and you will have to restore from the previous backup.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • First thing Do you have application DB backup ? If Yes then install SQL Server once again and restore the user / application database from the backup



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