Migrate SQL Server 2000 Standard edition to 2008 Web Edition

  • We are currently running a web site on SQL Server 2000. Now when the company is planning to move to a new host, they recommend SQL Server 2008 Web edition.

    This raises a lot of questions that I have hard to find the answers for.

    The current SQL Server 2000 uses Stored Procedures, Triggers as well as Scheduled jobs for T-SQL, Command executables, backups, DTS ActiveX Local Packages etc.

    The system is currently hosted on a Windows Server 2003. Most of the business logics are still in Com+ Components built in VB6. The database is also connected from asp-sites built in VBScript.

    This server is also a subscriber of data from another SQL Server 2000 system.

    My questions:

    1. Does anyone know if it might be possible to run these kinds of tasks above on a web edition?

    2. Is the web edition stable and secure as the standard edition? The application and data is business critical.

    3. Is backup and restore reliable on web edition?

    4. Can a 2008 Web edition be subscriber to a 2000 standard edition?

    5. If we need a 2008 Standard edition for the data processing publishing server, can we use the Web edition behind the web site with processor license and the Standard edition with a per user license? It's just processing data from an external source and then publishes the data to the subscriber.

    6. Are there general problems with the migration to 2008?

    I'm thankful for any answer on any of these questions.

    With kind regards


  • Hi Lage,

    Wow, yes it did raise a lot of questions for you, didn't it 😉

    Q1, Q4, Q5:

    To find out about the features: "Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2008"


    For Q2 and Q3, the codebase is the same it is just certain features are not availabe on all editions. So

    in short Yes. and Yes.

    Q4. For each server you can choose which licensing model suits you best.

    http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2008/en/us/licensing.aspx for licensing information.

    Q6. Not really the migration as such but setup has proved to be a bit tricky. I guess if you are not prepared properly the result of the migration can give you "general problems".

    Upgrade starting point: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb677622.aspx

    Setup Issues: http://blogs.msdn.com/psssql/archive/2008/09/30/how-to-fix-your-sql-server-2008-setup-before-you-run-setup.aspx or http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143207.aspx.

    So perhaps you can have at look at this reference material from Microsoft a bit and then get back if there are any outstanding questions.






  • Thank you Elisabeth!

    This was really good start points.

    My question now is if you know where to find a trial version of the Web edition. I have only found Enterprise edition.

    Best regards


  • Hi Lage,

    No, I suppose the thinking is that Enterprise contains all features but still, I have asked a former colleague at MS and will get back to you as soon as I hear anything.


    PS. Har ingen täckning, försökte maila via hitta.se


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