Microsoft SQL Server Error Log Scanning

  • In fact sp_readerrorlog actually calls xp_readerrorlog.

    Hey Rudy. Great article. Thanks for firing this off.

    I put everything into a single script file, replaced the cursor with the update and changed the query exclusions to DELETE statement. If you don't want to see stuff then gone is good. It's only the local table anyway. I could have made one complicated delete but I chose maintainability over performance. I also reformatted some statements to be in line with our corporate SQL statement style standards. Update script is attached

    We gave SSIS the heave ho sometime back. Long story. Some of our clients are on Express so I can't always use the agent stuff. We have gotten to be wizards at cheap and effective. I use Windows command files that use OSQL to run scripts. Some are as simple as executing a stored procedure. We then use the task scheduler to fire those off

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Hello everyone,

    Thanks for the feed back! Glad to see others are talking about this script and modifying it to fit their needs.

    As for the issue with xp_readerrorlog, I have not encountered this issue on all our SQL servers (SQL 2005- SQL 2014CTP). We have all our SQL servers up to the latest SP and CU patches.




  • Great article, thank you for sharing.

    Here is another resource. Jonathan Kehayias creates a sproc for doing errorlog scanning as well.

    Here is a presentation given on performance metric collection with SSIS. This presentation is being given this Saturday at SQL Saturday.


  • Hi Rudy,

    Can you also include alert mechanism to send the error detail in an email so that DBA can quickly act on it?



  • gary1 (9/7/2013)

    Hi Rudy,

    Can you also include alert mechanism to send the error detail in an email so that DBA can quickly act on it?



    Hello Gary,

    Since I have a different process that collects other information and alerts on it, I don't have an alert mechanism for this code but you can created one to fit your needs.




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