Microsoft SQL Server Error 904

  • Hi,

    I am not able to access my any database whenever i try to access i get this message.

    Error msg:-

    Database 4 Cannot Be Autostarted During Server Shutdown Or Startup. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 904).

    Please help.


    1.SQLserver.exe is running.

    2.No trace flag is used.

    3.Database status is ONline in(sys.databases and databasepropertyex(status)).

  • is the drive where you have your userd database are alive and accessible?

    Any problem with disk?

    Give more information about your user database


  • Hi thanks for your response.

    Yes disk and drives are in place & I am able to create new db thats not a prob.

    I have not modify the location of files as well.

  • is database4 the only database which have the problem OR there are other database as well.

    Just try to rename the mdf and ldf file of the database. Are you able to rename it with any other name or getting the error as file is in use.

    If getting error in rename then it still being accessed by sql server.

    Just run the query in master :-

    select * From sysdatabases and check the status.

    And recovery option(when all hope gone), try restoring with latest backup set with different name. But before this I will really like to see the errors you getting in above step to resovle the case further


  • Hi,

    Problem is with all the db except(master,model,tempdb) but still I can not see the properties of (master,model,tempdb) from Object explorer.

    I checked the status of all db in sysdatabases and all of them are online.

    Hence, I can not rename file names.

    They do not have latest backup of db as well.

    I tried on trick and that worked but I believe thats not the proper solutions.

    -I just deattached db one by one & attached again and that worked fine.

  • Hi there are other occurance of this error and a reboot resolved it.

  • good to hear it worked.

    have you looked into errorlog. there must be some details.


  • Hi,

    Even I dont understand the logic behind this, I just done that to make their db available for the time being.

    How come deattach/attach can resolve this issue?



  • reboot didn't work in my case.

  • vhr2003 (8/3/2010)

    How come deattach/attach can resolve this issue?




    My guess is that this is file permissions related. That might be why dettach/attach resolves the issue. This causes SQL server to apply an ACL to the mdf and ldf, overwriting your permissions and giving the service account and administrators full access.



  • thank you:-)


  • thank you


  • Hello Friends, thanks for sharing the info on this. This is very helpfull. I got the same issue today and did multiple things......

    1. the database is msdb, which caused the issue.

    2. I figured out the issue is with Full Text files associated to my userdb's and I am having access denied issues even though my service account have full access to the file locations.

    3. restart sql server did not work for me. I was able to rename the msdb physical files ever after sql restart. which means msdb is not connected to sql.

    4. FINALLY, I rebooted server and then it worked..... :)..... and I think its the file permission issues.... and am assuming permissions were refreshed and am able to connect.

    gud luck with this... this is a serious problem if its on prod. Make sure you have the backups available as a last option.

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