Microsoft Certified Master Certification - How Do I Get There?

  • Ready to take the dive! After 10 years I want to pursue a Microsoft Certified Master Certification. Just got off the Microsoft site, so confusing. Can anybody tell me, IN ENGLISH, how many/what tests I need to take to get there. I get the last two steps, the KNowledge and Lab exam, but what are the prerequisites to get to that point?

  • MCTS SQL 2008 developer (Exam 70-433), MCITP SQL 2008 developer (Exam 70-451)

    MCTS SQL 2008 administrator (Exam 70-432), MCITP SQL 2008 administrator (Exam 70-450)

    And don't underestimate those MCM exams.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks Gila, I will not.

    Just wanted to know how to get there. They list a lot of tests and certifications even on their matrix but it looked like to me only those four were required. Thanks for verifying.

  • Prerequisite Exams: US$400 (approx)

    MCM Exam Fee: US$2,500

    Preparation material: per your budget

    Preparation time: per your strength

    Best of Luck!!! 🙂

  • I haven't looked at them, but Brent Ozar has some MCM training videos here[/url].

    Peter MaloofServing Data

  • Don't know how I missed the Ozar stuff. I check out his site all the time. As I said, I'm 10 years in being a DBA and this is something I was initially not gung ho about but my company will pay most of the costs so why not. Has this made a difference for anybody? Thanks for the help.


    Those 30-40 vids are really good. Not everything you need to know by a long shot but they give you a good idea of the areas involved and depth of knowledge required.

    Im not planning on doing the MCM for another 3-4 years but i still think these videos are really beneficial.

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