Message: Timeout expired

  • Hi All,

    My clients (C# code) get Timeout exception when they try to download data and insert them into tables through the stored procedure (SQL Server Express).

    Message: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)

    From client (C#) side they have applied infinite wait option, still they see this error 1-10 times.

    Can any suggest? what should I do in SQL Server Express box to fix this problem.



  • [font="Courier New"]Can you check whether you are able to connect to the server using SSMS?? If yes check the process running on the particular database..[/font]

  • Additional question: is this an occasional error or something that occurs 100% of the time?

  • Yes frequently (1-6 times).

    Finally I went to SQL Server (SQL Express) ---> properties --->

    connections ---> Allow remote connection to this server = set to 0 (default 600).

    Now I don't see any time out errors.

    I know this was not the right fix, just a time being fix.

    This error is only to client (C#)



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