Merging to SQL Server Databases

  • Hi Everyone.

    I have an interesting situation. Two of our clients have merged. Both clients were using our application on the same version of the database. The requirement is to merge the two together maintaining referential integrity. Is there an easy way to do this in SSIS? We are not worried about duplicates as there is already a utility to deal with those once the databases are merged. we, in simple terms, just want to append the data from one to the other.



    Ed Phillips

  • Please also ignore my awful spelling for the topic of this post!!

    Ed Phillips

  • Ed Phillips (8/12/2008)

    Two of our clients have merged.

    To make a Super Client:hehe:

    Sorry, it's late and not enough coffee....

    You could write a package to do this. You would have a ton of lookups in data flows.

    Your source would be Client A DB, dest Client B. You would have a lookup in the data flow which looks at client B's table, joining on something other than the identity field. You would introduce this identity field and use that further down.

    Kinda vague but hope it makes sense?

    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • Certainly gives me somewhere to start. Many thanks Crispin.

    Ed Phillips

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