Merging 3 statements to 1

  • Hello,

    I have a question. I want to perform the following task:

    1) UPDATE wdoctyp SET ldoclock=0 WHERE docType='LEAVE'

    2) SELECT idoclastsn FROM wdoctyp WHERE docType='LEAVE'

    3) UPDATE wdoctyp SET ldoclock=1, idoclastsn=idoclastsn+1 WHERE


    can I perform it in one SQL statement? Actually the reason I want to do this is because I want to prevent ldoclock from locking forever due to computer failure.

    Can somebody give me a hand?

    Best regards,

    Tee Song Yann

  • What is the purpose of ldoclock, is it to stop other processes updating the record

    What do the values 0 and 1 for ldoclock indicate

    How many rows are there in wdoctyp where docType='LEAVE'

    This will retrieve and update idoclastsn in one statement without allowing other updates

    DECLARE @before int, @after int

    UPDATE wdoctyp

    SET @before = idoclastsn, @after = idoclastsn = idoclastsn + 1

    WHERE docType='LEAVE'

    @before contains the value before update

    @after contains the value after update

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Hello David,

    Sorry for the unclear post.

    1) You are correct. ldoclock is a field that I add to prevent other from getting the number. (true and false only)

    2) 0 and 1 is false and true

    3) Only 1 row with docType='LEAVE'. I want to get the last serial number (idoclastsn).

    4) Using that statement, I ignore ldoclock is it?

    Thanks for the help.

    Best regards,

    Tee Song Yann

  • The update statement I posted will retrieve the latest value (@before), update the value (+1) and retrieve the new value (@after) in one go.

    I presume you want the current value because it indicates the next number to use prior to incrementing it for the next use

    This type of update obviates the need for ldoclock as only one update can be actioned at a time (ie another process cannot get the value between retrieval and update/incrementation)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Hello David,

    Your help really save a lot of my time. ^_^

    Hope to see you next time when I'm in trouble. Wahaha!

    Best regards,

    Tee Song Yann

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