Merge Replication problems

  • Hello. I'm a newbie in replication and I'm encountering problems the solutions of which I cannot find in the BOL.

    After defining the subscriber it gives me the following message : 'The subscriber to 'publication name' is invalid' . I have tried a lot of ways but I couldn't go around this error. Please extend your valuable help to me.

    Thanks a lot.



  • Can you possibly provide more details of the error message youa re receiving as well as your environment?

    I have often found that when all else fails - scripting out, dropping & recreating a subscription can work wonders - actually even doing this to the publication server can fix all manner of weird error messages - but be very careful with this as it can also cause complete chaos!

    A bit more info on your set up & error message may help to get some more suggestions here?

    Kindest Regards,

    Catherine Eibner

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