Merge Replication error could not deliver snapshot

  • I am trying to add a new subscriber ( new machine) to an existing merge replication with one publisher and 2 subscribers.  The machines are sql 2000. 

    I choose the option not to initialize since the data is already set up on the machine with different seeding. I get one of the following errors in the Replication Agent.

    'The agent is suspect.  No reponse within the last 15 minutes.'


    'The process could not deliver the snapshot to the subscriber'

    I ran profiler on the subscriber while the subscription was running. 

    The last 3 lines of the subscription

    RPC: Completed     exec sp_MSpublicationcleanup N'blahblahblah'


    Audit Logout


    Can anyone provide suggestions on troubleshooting this issue?  I am thinking it is a permissions issue.  We created trusted connection between the servers.

  • To provide a little more info, I logged the agent info to a file.  The last entry is listed below.

    Percent Complete: 4

    select * from "dbo"."MSmerge_contents" where 1 = 2

    Bulk copying data into table 'MSmerge_contents'

    [3/16/2006 2:29:12 PM] select * from "dbo"."MSmerge_contents" where 1 = 2


    At this point, it said the agent is suspect. No response within the last 15 minutes.

    Does this mean my connection is being dropped somehow?

    Any help  would be appreciated.

  • Check the profile in the publiscation database on the articles.  looks like it is trying to re-create your articles (tables).

    Good Luck !!

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