Merge Publication and Subscription in one database

  • Hi

    I have a situation where I need to create a Merge Publication and Subscription in one database.

    I got this error when I tried to create a Merge Publication in a database which already had a Merge Subscription from another database.

    You cannot create a merge publication in this database because it contains one or more anonymous or local merge subscriptions. To create a merge publication, drop the existing anonymous or local merge subscriptions, create the publication, and then recreate the subscriptions'

    Any help is appreciated.



  • If you are interested in how our topology is setup here are the details.

    Server A - USA

    Server B - China

    Laptop C - China

    Latop D - China

    A and B have SQL Enterprise. C and D have SQL Express. The data can be modified in all the servers and Laptops, hence the Merge Replication.

    I was succesfully able to to set up Merge Replication between A(publisher) and B(subscriber). I want to set up another Merge Replication between B(Publisher) and C,D(Subscribers)

    I got the above mentioned error when I tried to create a new Merge Publication on B.

    Please let me know if it is possible to do this.



  • What you are looking for is something called a republisher.

    This requires the subscriber to be of subscription type Server, not Client. A Server subscription can republish to other subscribers.

    I'm pretty sure that you can't change the subscription type once it is created (changing from Client to Server), so you might have to drop the subscription and recreate it.

    If merge replication handles identity ranges then you should know that this is a bit more tricky when dealing with republishing.

  • Thanks for the suggestion. I will explore this option.


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