MERGE Output logging options

  • I've created a SPROC to move a set of data spread over multiple tables from one database to another.

    I'm using the MERGE function and writing dynamic SQL MERGE commands for each of the tables containing data I need to move.

    So far, this works but I need to build a logging feature around this.

    My ultimate goal is to build a reporting table that looks like this

    Action         TableName        KeyValue       ColumnName      OldValue    NewValue
    INSERT         MySettings       100            NEW RECORD  
    UPDATE         MySettings       200            FirstName       Bob         Dave
    UPDATE         MySettings       200            LastName        Smith       Jones
    INSERT         MoreSettings     101            NEW RECORD  
    UPDATE         MoreSettings     102            Colour          Red         Green

    To get to this point, I first need to capture the MERGE output into a table which I will then dynamically unpivot into my desired format.

    The crux of my issues is that while I can get my INSERTED and DELETED rows from MERGE into a table using OUTPUT INTO, INSERTED and DELETED are all on the same row but what I need for the INSERTED and DELETED values to be UNIONED together so that each column name is only specified once together with the Action type.

    Can anybody help me to achieve this?

  • OUTPUT INSERTED and DELETED to a staging table then unpivot that table to the destination table

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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