Merge Articles Missing after Merge Agent Runs

  • I create a master database and published it. I created a second Database and published it. I subscribe my Second database as a pull to my Master. My Job status is currently Never Run. Everything looks fine until I run the job. Once I do run the job  the second database publication lists no articles but when I try to add them states it cannot because the article already exists. When I try to pull from the second database it states that it cannot get the article information. When I try to do anything with that publication such as drop it I get a list of all the tables that should be replicated and an error for each one stateing that there is a syntax error at the merge article and it cannot be removed. Any ideas?  any other information you need that might be helpful?  Were at a point where if this won't work we have to redesign the software.   (boy there not gonna like that)



  • Ok so I think that its the fact that I am doing an automatic sync type  subcription is the reason I get lose all my articles. I have the correct schema at the subscriber but I need the data. Is there a way to get the data without using an automatic sync type in my agent? 



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