Merge Agents Fail

  • I'm having a problem with some of my merge agents.  They fail with the following error:

    The merge process could not retrieve generation information at the 'Subscriber'.

    Does anyone have any info on this?

  • I have run into this issue in the past and what I did was I added a New Agent Profile and changed the QueryTimeout parameter from 300 to 600.  Then used this new profile for my merge agent.

    I believe that you will need to stop and restart your merge job in order for the change to take effect. 

    Hope this helps,


  • if you double click on the agent this will give you more details about the error, it could be a deadlock, blocking, time-out etc

    once you determine the cause it becomes easier to fix


    Good luck...

    Don't count what you do, do what counts.

    SQL Draggon

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