Memory warnings

  • try to use the -g flag in sql startup to increase the MemToLeave area (make it to ~512MB) if you still encounter the error.Let us know if this helps.

    my 2 cents.

    Simon Liew
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008

  • Initially we thought of doing that but the server owner has not shown interest to continue with that...but is there a way to identify whether the mem-to-leave is fragmented or not...kindly let me know so that i could help u with 2 cents 😉

  • you can try to use vmstat.exe to view contiguous block of memory in MemToLeave area. Quest also has a stored proc xp_memory_size to check max contiguous memory. This comes with LiteSpeed.

    I googled around and found vmstat.exe is available in one of the M$ lab at

    so far, not sure how much this may help in your debugging. but keep looking for any extended stored proc running on the same server as sql, and whether any COM objects that may use this memory region. unfortunately, sql doesnt have any clue what's in the MemToLeave area.


    Simon Liew
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008

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