Memory Usage is high

  • Hi..... Guys,

    Is sql server using 25% RAM of total memory available?

    for eg: if 10 GB of total RAm is der then SQL Server going to use 2.5 GB of memory i.e 25%

    Is this correct or not ? reply


  • How much memory SQl server will be using depends only on your configuration of Min and Max Server memory configuration parameter. By default it will use as much memory as is there is available.


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  • Saggy (5/18/2012)

    Hi..... Guys,

    Is sql server using 25% RAM of total memory available?

    for eg: if 10 GB of total RAm is der then SQL Server going to use 2.5 GB of memory i.e 25%

    Is this correct or not ? reply


    You need to provide some infomration to get the correct answer:

    1. What operating system you are using & is it 32 bit or 64 bit?

    2. Have you set the min memory & max memory settings for SQL Server?

    Sujeet Singh

  • If it is SQL 2005/8 on Server 2003 x86 with 4 gb of ram, use the following

    Min server memory at 1gb

    max server memory at 3gb

    This assumes one instance of sql server is running on the server and is not sharing with applications.

    x64 means you probably have at least 8gb of memory on the machine with server 2008.

    So, always leave 4gb for server 2008,

    For example, say you have 12gb,

    1. set max to be 12gb-4gb(OS) = 8gb

    2. set min to be 1/2 of max, so 4gb

    If you have loads of databases with users connecting to them, use resource governor and create several resource pools for high utilizaiton databases. Paul Randal has a good video on this.

    He shows how throddling is accomplished by sql server if you specify custom resource pools. Just look at video, I'll let him do the talking.

  • SQL Server 2008 R2 express edition

    OS: Windows SBS Server 2011 and 64 bit edition.


  • Saggy (5/18/2012)

    SQL Server 2008 R2 express edition

    OS: Windows SBS Server 2011 and 64 bit edition.


    Okay, as you said you have 64 bit OS I assume you have installed 64 bit SQL Server too. In that case, if you see SQL Server memory usage as 25% then yes it is using 2.5 GB memory.

    Sujeet Singh

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