Memory Usage

  • How do you measure the memusage in Sysprocesses table? How many KB in memusage because that is described as Number of pages in the

    procedure cache that are

    currently allocated to this

    process. A negative number

    indicates that the process

    is freeing memory allocated

    by another process.

    Is this the right measure of memory usage?


  • angiepimentel 1403 (7/15/2010)

    How do you measure the memusage in Sysprocesses table? How many KB in memusage because that is described as Number of pages in the

    procedure cache that are

    currently allocated to this

    process. A negative number

    indicates that the process

    is freeing memory allocated

    by another process.

    Is this the right measure of memory usage?


    You have posted in SQL Server 2005 forum an will assume you are using 2005 version. here are some memory related queries.


    top 10 type,

    sum(single_pages_kb) as [SPA Mem, Kb]



    group by type

    order by sum(single_pages_kb) desc

    SELECT sum(a.page_id)*8 AS MemorySpaceKB

    FROM (SELECT database_id, allocation_unit_id, COUNT(page_id) page_id FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors GROUP BY database_id, allocation_unit_id) a

    JOIN sys.allocation_units ON a.allocation_unit_id = sys.allocation_units.allocation_unit_id

    JOIN sys.partitions ON (sys.allocation_units.type IN (1,3)

    AND sys.allocation_units.container_id = sys.partitions.hobt_id)

    OR (sys.allocation_units.type = 2 AND sys.allocation_units.container_id = sys.partitions.partition_id)

    JOIN sys.tables ON sys.partitions.object_id = sys.tables.object_id

    AND sys.tables.is_ms_shipped = 0

    SELECT type, name, SUM(single_pages_kb + multi_pages_kb) AS 'SIZE (KB)'

    FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

    group by type,name order by 3 desc

    --Buffer usage by database

    select db_name(database_id) as dbName, count(*)*8/1024 as BufferPoolMB

    from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors

    group by db_name(database_id)

    order by 2 desc

    --Identify the min & max memory setting

    select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where counter_name like '%server memory%'

    [font="Courier New"]Sankar Reddy |[/url][/font]

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