Memory Available to SQL Server 2005

  • I have SQL Server 2005 running on Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition. The server has 6GB of RAM. Should sqlserver.exe be able to freely grab as much RAM as the OS is willing to part with? I ask because I've watched sqlserver.exe stay at around 1740mb when I would expect it to use a bit more.

  • you need to enable AWE to use all your ram. Be sure to add the lock pages in memory permission to your service account.

  • Great, thanks. I thought the whole AWE issue was resolved with Server 2003...guess not. I did find info that said it would be on if my system had hot swappable RAM...which I don't.

    Anyway, I've changed my group policy to allow "lock pages in memory" to the domain account that is now running both my database engine and the SQL Server Agent. AWE has been enabled, the services restarted, and everything looks good.

    One last that whole /3GB (I think also known as PAE) required for my config. I found info that said yes for Windows 2000, but nothing that explicitly said I didn't have to worry about it for Server 2003.

    Thanks in advance.


  • I don't think it is, but I'm not 100% on that. Also, task manager will not show the correct amount of memory being consumed when AWE is on - you have to run DBCC memorystatus to correctly see what SQL is consuming.

  • rhunt (10/22/2007)

    Great, thanks. I thought the whole AWE issue was resolved with Server 2003...guess not. I did find info that said it would be on if my system had hot swappable RAM...which I don't.

    AWE is a workaround to allow 32 bit apps to access memory outside their addressable range. It's not needed on 64 bit OSs, but is on any 32 bit if you want your apps to access memory past 4GB

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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