
  • I am noticing something strange when querying sys.dm_os_memory_clerks.

    64 bit installation of SQL 2005. AWE is not enabled and neither is locked pages in memory. AWE Committed for MEMORYCLERK_SQLBUFFERPOOL is very high.

    I was under the assumption that either LOCKED pages in memory had to be enabled or AWE for this to be using AWE memory. Why Am I see such high figures for this column.

  • large page extensions enabled is mentioned in the error log but the trace flag to actually turn it on is not enabled. Anybody? SQL 2005 x64 is the version.

  • Looks like it is down to Large page extension being turned on, but not using the trace flag 834.

    How to turn of Large Page Extension and is it ok to do it?

  • AWE lookup maps/sec ,

    AWE stolen maps/sec ,

    AWE write maps/sec ,

    AWE unmap calls/sec ,

    AWE unmap pages/sec

    All of the above equate to 0 when querying sys.dm_os_performance_counters, so am I safe in assuming that AWE is not being used although it has been allocated a large amount of the SQL memory.

    Hope I’m not speaking to myself here and I get a response. There is an issue with MEMORY GRANTS PENDING which makes me believe the allocated mem. Is not being fully utilised.


  • Is there anybody there? I'm feeling all alone.

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