Measure between dates in Dimension ( SSAS )

  • I have a data warehouse with the following dimensions ( say )

    1.Dim Time


    and a Fact table

    The sample design as follows

    DimensionX ( Key, Name, Start Date , End Date ) - This is related to Time Dimension.

    DimTime ( Key , FullDate , Year,Month etc )


    Timekey ( Refers Time Dmension )

    Measure1 ( Decimal )

    I have to find out the Measure1 which happened between start and end date of the DimensionX .

    Could you please let me know how to proceed with the same ?

  • create two dim one for start and one for end using the dimtime table map this table to dim x , then map these to the fact table.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Need a little more info (like how is DimX related to the time dimension, doesn't appear to be any PK-FK relationships there).

    Having said that, if DimX is in reality something like 'Promotion', then I'd treat the date ranges (start/end) as attributes of the promotion (rather than true dates) and simply ensure that the Promotion (DimX) PK is a FK in the fact table. Then, if you had a pivot with Measure1 on it, you could view the results by any given member of DimX ("promotion"). In general, it doesn't appear like you're trying to find the value of a measure between two dates - you're trying to find the value of a measure associated with a non-time based entity, that happens to have start and end dates as attributes.


  • Hi Steve,

    Let me give a little more specifics. I have the dimension table named campaign ( these are marketing campaigns for a product )

    each campaign has a start date and end date . I have a time key column in the dimension table which will refer to the time dimension ( time dimension has a time key as the primary key which is an integer )

    and Fact table has the same timekey which refers to the time dimension as well .

    Let me know if it needs more clarity.

  • Thinking on this a little more, I think you may have a Classic many-to_many, as defined by Marco Russo et al (download their whitepaper here[/url]).

    If you look at their example, where they have a bridging table for Customer to Account (where each Customer can have multiple accounts), I could see you using a bridging table for Campaign to Date, where each Campaign is related to many Dates (ie all of the dates between the start and end). While this approach would mean you'd have to generate date FK id's for all dates for all campaigns, it *should* give you what I think you're looking for - wich is, let me filter to a campaign, and have it filter the sales total by subsequently filtering to the dates for which tha campaign was active.

    good luck and HTH,


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