MDX with count and filter on measure

  • Hi,

    I'm new to MDX.

    I want to count how many 'high sales' we have per customer. High sales means we have a sales of more then 100. So we want to count for a given period how many days a customer has had a sales amount of more than 100.

    When we take it from Adventure works, then I would be something like this:


    SET High AS

    {FILTER([Customer].[Customer].members*[Date].[Date].[Date], [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount].value>=100)}

    MEMBER Measures.CountHighSales AS



    {[Customer].[Customer].members} ON ROWS,

    {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount], Measures.[CountHighSales]


    FROM [Adventure Works]

    WHERE ([Date].[Date].[Date].&[20080401]:[Date].[Date].[Date].&[20080430])

    But this gives for each customer the same result.

    How can I reach the expected result?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Hi there,

    I am facing the same issue, when I use hierarchy members to filter against any measure and pull the same hierarchy members on axis, it give the same result for each hierarchy member.

    --here is my MDX --


    SET x1 AS



    [Project].[-Operating Group-].[Project].MEMBERS


    [Measures].[ITD Variance GP %] > 0.05


    MEMBER x2 AS



    x2 ON 0



    [GL Date].[Fiscal].[Year].&[2012]


    [Project].[-Operating Group-].[Operating Group].MEMBERS

    } ON 1


  • I'm no guru...but check this out, based on Adventure works

    here is raw data for sales for every combo of customer and month

    CalendarHierachy is my own user defined 3 level hiearchy of year ,month, day

    WITH SET MyCustomerDateComboSet AS '[Dim Customer].[Customer Key].Children * [Order Date].CalendarHierarchy].[Month].members'

    SELECT [Measures].[Sales Amount] ON 0,

    NONEMPTY(MyCustomerDateComboSet) ON 1

    FROM [MyFirstCube]

    you get something like this , drill down for each cust id and month and the sales amount

    Customer Month Sales

    11000 Jul 2005 3399

    11000 Aug 2005 2700

    11000 Oct 2005 2499

    11001 Jan 2005 2600

    11001 Feb 2005 2499

    11001 Mar 2005 2610

    11002 JAn 2005 1500

    From what i gather you want is a summary for each distinct customer a count of the months

    say where the sales value exceeds say 2500

    so for above we want a summary as this

    Customer Count

    11000 2

    11001 2

    11002 0

    here is the code :

    WITH SET MyCustomerSet as '[Dim Customer].[Customer Key].Children'

    MEMBER MemberRank as 'Rank([Dim Customer].[Customer Key].CurrentMember, MyCustomerSet)'

    MEMBER CountMonthlySalesThan2500 as COUNT(FILTER(MyCustomerSet.Item(MemberRank-1) * [Order Date].[CalendarHierarchy].[Month].members, [Measures].[Sales Amount] > 2500))

    SELECT CountMonthlySalesThan2500 on 0,

    MyCustomerSet On 1

    FROM [MyFirstCube]

    walk through :

    MyCustomerSet - all Customers

    MemberRank - Rank of each Customer in the set

    CountMonthlySalesThan2500 - Take each member in the customer set using rank and get all combo of dates and then filter out for sales > 2500 and then finally count them...

    I'm not saying this is the defacto solution but it sort of works...have a play to suit your needs ...its a steer anyway if nowt else


    Robin Rai

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