MDX Guide for SQL Folks: Part I - Navigating The Cube

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item MDX Guide for SQL Folks: Part I - Navigating The Cube

    Frank Banin
    BI and Advanced Analytics Professional.

  • Thank you much for such a wonderfull comparision between SQL and MDX..[/url]

  • Nice job on explaining MDX; I look forward to the later installments.

    Just out of curiosity, will you be addressing (via comparison) sets and tuples?

    Beer's Law: Absolutum obsoletum
    "if it works it's out-of-date"

  • This is something I've wanted to have in my pocket for a long time.

    SQL has always made sense to me... MDX has not... and until I've read and re-read this article and its sequels a few times I fear it still won't.

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
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  • Excellent resource! Has cleared some fog and I am eagerly awaiting future installments. Thank you so much for this.

  • Nice Job!

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    I have looked over so many books and sites that try to teach MDX and none have simplified it like this article.

    For some reason every other guide tells you to forget everything that you know about T-SQL and instead they start off with the theory of cubes and how to write MDX queries based on cube theory. While it is important to understand how a dimensional model works, there would be a lot more buy-in on MDX if they would instead show how a SQL query would be written in MDX. Then they could explain the dimensional concepts while they show the query differences. Just as this article does. Every single SQL server developer who wants to learn MDX immediately tries to turn standard SQL queries into MDX. So why not teach MDX this way? I will be using this document now as a training resource since it makes so much sense.

    Thanks again and I look forward to more articles on this subject!

  • See Microsoft - even DW can be explained in a straightforward, clear manner. Hire this man immediately.

  • Awesome. Thank you very much!

  • Very good article mate. Waiting for another article for MDX Guide..

  • Thank you very much for this article. It was really easy to understand your guide.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Thanks so much! Makes more sense now and no longer going to run away screaming when somebody says "do you know anything about this mdx thing?":w00t:

  • Yes i will..sorry for the delay in the resp. I am in New jersey still out off power

    Frank Banin
    BI and Advanced Analytics Professional.

  • Frank - yes - I know - my office is down there too. Hope you're back to business soon! An IT mind is a dangerous thing to waste.

  • Let me add to the kudos; great article -- well done.



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