MDX Duplicates and Values

  • We havea  FACT of Purchase orders linked to a date dimension [Date - PO Orders]

    It hasmembers Calendar Year (Jan-Dec)

                           Contract Year (Nov-Oct)

                           Financial Year (Apr-Mar)

    There is anSSRS report which originally had a Calendar view which is no problem but nowthey want to change the view for either the of the above dimension members.

    I created atest hierarchy called [SSRS] and when you group them on PO Count they have duplicatessince there are overlaps in granularity.

    My issue isthe MDX which brings back the data set contains the duplicates and doesn'tbring back the member value as I would expect.

     WITH  MEMBER[Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Date - POOrders].[SSRS].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION

            MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS[Date - PO Orders].[SSRS].CurrentMEMBER.LEVEL.UniqueName

               MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Date- PO Orders].[SSRS].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL

               MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterFilter] AS[Date - PO Orders].[SSRS].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.NAME

    SELECT NON EMPTY DISTINCT{[Measures].[ParameterCaption],[Measures].[ParameterValue],[Measures].[ParameterFilter],[Measures].[ParameterLevel]}ON COLUMNS ,


     DISTINCT  {[Date - POOrders].[SSRS].[FinancialYear].ALLMEMBERS,

            [Date - POOrders].[SSRS].[ContractYear].ALLMEMBERS,

            [Date - POOrders].[SSRS].[CalendarYear].ALLMEMBERS

           }ON ROWS

    FROM [Model]


    How do I getthe ParameterValue to return the correct year/period? The report works as itshould as I can filter out the dates on in the report with the ParameterFilter.I just need the correct ParameterValue and removal of the duplicates.

    I apologisefor the bad MDX by the way.  

    All help isgreatly appreciated.





  • As you stated above, the query will return duplicates because of the overlaps in granularity. I'd recommend one of the following approaches:

    • Build the MDX dynamically based on the user selection, assuming they only select one of the Date hierarchies in the report.
    • Execute 3 separate MDX queries (one for each Date hierarchy) and combine the results with a union.
  • How do you do the latter as i thought they all had to same dimenensionality?

  • You could create calculated members for all of the dimensional attributes, or perform the union in SSRS (assuming that is what your reporting platform is).

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