MDS, Domain Attributes, and the Excel Add-In

  • Can you separate a domain attribute into two columns in the Excel Add-In?

    We are using the Excel Add-In as the UI for business users and they want to see one of the domain attributes as 2 different columns.

    The attribute is Store, currently it is displayed like this:

    "123 {STORENAME }". They want it displayed in two columns in the Excel document for easier filtering/sorting: Store Number and Store Name.

    Is this possible? If one column is changed the other would change right along with it.

  • Maybe instead of usinge the default columns code and name, you could just create two seperate attributes, StoreName and StoreNumber?

    The code column could be autopopulated like an identity.

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  • They need to be connected though. If the user makes a change in the store number column the store name column would need to change to the appropriate store. If the two columns aren't connected somehow, the users will change one column, forget to change the other, and then end up publishing inaccurate data.

    I found a semi-solution. I created two columns that extract the store number and store name from the store attribute column using excel functions. The business can use these columns to sort and filter. However, when it comes to entering new rows of data, they still need to use the older store column.

    I may end up creating some VBA code that changes the value in the store attribute column automatically in the case that a change is made in either the store # or store name column. However, I will have to talk to the PM first to see if this is necessary.

    I am still open to other suggestions if anybody out there has any.

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