mdf Shrink fails - have tried everything possible..

  • oraculum (9/21/2009)

    Hi Everyone!

    Just thought I would update you, I tried a clean restore of the database and ran a rebuild index job then a shrink, and blow me down with a feather it worked 1st time!

    Maybe all the other attempts to shrink the previous version made things worse!

    Thank you 🙂

    so, its basically the restoration which did the trick. Were you trying with the same restoration earlier?

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  • I appeciate that you managed to get this to work, but to save time would it be feasible to drop then re-add the column containing the BLOB data? I've used this trick in the past to reduce the time taken to prepare a database for dev usage, presumably the pages containing the out-of-row BLOB data are just deallocated.


  • Hi,

    Can you explain what do you mean by "clean restore"? I'm having the same problem and need to shrink the database asap. 🙁

    Do I really need to drop all the FK/PK/Indexes?



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