MDAC removal and installation

  • I have several corrupt registry entries according to cc_pkg.exe and no SQL Server ODBC drivers on Windows XP Pro SP2. I have tried installing several different versions of MDAC including 2.8 but that does not fix the problem. Install OK but does not fix the problem or re-add the drivers. Is there any way to total remove the ODBC stuff and reinstall it clean? I thought that installing MDAC would do that.

    Any suggestions would be helpful.

    Thanx, Jim

    Jim Phillips
    SQL Server DBA

  • Hi, Jim.  I'm not sure you can remove MDAC on an XP OS.  If what I've read is correct, it is an integral part of the OS.  Do you receive error messages about those registry entries?  How is the system letting you know they are corrupt?  Do you have another XP machine with good entries that you can export then import onto this machine or are the entries so corrupt that you can't even overwrite them?  Could this be some kind of exotic permissions issue on those registry keys?  (I've seen THAT before.)


  • Don,

    Thanks for the reply.  The utility from MS, cc_pkg.exe indicates there are entries in the registry missing. I don't know how or what needs to be restored to even try to get the dll's from another machine and try to refresh the registry entries.  No drivers are appearing even after installing MDAC 2.8 or other lower level versions.


    Jim Phillips
    SQL Server DBA

  • <smacking forehead>  I just realized what you were saying with cc_pkg.exe.  Sorry.  That's the Component Checker and I was about to ask if you had tried running it.  Boy, would I have blushed over THAT one!

    Export the CC output to XML and send it to me.  I've had to deal with these before and I can help decipher the messages.


  • Hi, Jim.  Per your Component Checker output it looks like there are only two actual problems.  CC can't find ODBCBCP.DLL, which should be in the Windows\System32 folder.  It also can't find HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MSDASQL.1 in the registry.  The registry key is the entry for Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers and refers to CLSID {c8b522cb-5cf3-11ce-ade5-00aa0044773d} which, if I have found the right one, is the entry made by registering msdasql.dll.  CC found the entry for msdasql.dll, so you don't have to worry about finding and registering it.
    What I would advise you to do is go to another XP SP2 machine and locate the ODBCBCP.DLL file and the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MSDASQL.1 registry key and copy them to the problem machine.  I don't know if the dll has to be registered but give it a try, the worst that can happen is you will get a message that the system can't register it.  Reboot the machine then try your SQL Server again.  I have sent  you a text version of the registry key so you can take a look at the contents.  It came from an XP SP1 machine, but if you want to give it a try just detach it and change the extension to .reg and run it to make the entry.
    I love working with the XML output from the component checker.  The ability to collapse the Match sections makes finding the real problems relatively easy.
    Hope this takes care of it.

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