MCTS SQL 2005 Certification

  • Hi,

    I have the opportunity for my company send me to Bootcamp certification training and I was wondering what the thought was on this new MCTS course.  I originally was going to try and get my certification on the MCDBA course on SQL 2000 and it consists of 3 core exams and 1 elective.  This new MCTS SQL 2005 only requires 1 exam for certification.  Is this really the way to go?  It seems a bit on the light side in comparison for the MCDBA certification?  Is this MCTS certification a good one?

    Any thoughs and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  We are currently running SQL 2000 but are in the process of implementing a new ERP system which will run on SQL 2005.  I am an Oracle DBA coming over to the Microsoft world so I'm trying to figure out the best path for me to take.


    Bea Isabelle

    Bea Isabelle

  • In my opinion, 70-431 is the first step in the new cert and not the equivalent of the MCDBA. After the MCTS, you then specialize by following one of the tracks mentioned here:

    IT Professional: Database Developer

    IT Professional: Database Administrator

    IT Professional: Business Intelligence Developer

    I have a computer at home that I installed SQL 2005 on and used it for study. I passed 70-431 during the beta, but didn't pass the 70-442(DB dev track) exam. The tests are very different than in the past...I think the test is geared to working through scenarios, so I'm not sure how well a 'bootcamp' will prepare you.

    Good Luck! I see myself studying Oracle very soon, so if you have tips for learning, please send me a message!


  • Thanks for the info! In my experience with Oracle, I found it better to learn by experience.  When we first went live with Oracle, they sent me to a bunch of training, but I did not really begin to understand things until I actually started doing them.  I figure the same will be with SQL, but being that I have an understanding of databases I'm hoping that I will be able to actually learn something (and retain it!) in the SQL class.  I'm assuming that hands on experience will probably be my best bet.  I didn't realize there was additional tracks after the MCTS, so thanks for pointing that out!

    If you need any Oracle help, I will do my best to lend a helping hand.

    Bea Isabelle

    Bea Isabelle

  • Ironically enough, I was planning on asking a similar question today.  Your link gave me the information for which I was looking.  Thanks, Michelle.

  • it's kind of funny how i came across this post.. since i just started studying to go for 70-431...

    Thanks for the posts guys.

  • I'm glad that I could help a bit. I get so much from this site that it is nice to find an opportunity to help others out a bit!


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