Maybe this will make more sense?

  • Take a look at this pic and this is what I am trying to do. The code I have so far is below it.


    SET PageRequested = PageRequested + '?tid=' + CONVERT(varchar(250), LEFT(NEWID(), 7))
    (SELECT IP, (ID), SUBSTRING(PageRequested, CHARINDEX('?tid=', PageRequested), 50) as PR FROM WebLog
    WHERE [Date]=(SELECT max([Date]) FROM WebLog) AND PageRequested LIKE '%?tid=%'
    GROUP BY IP, (ID), PageRequested)
    as Y
    ON W.ID=Y.ID
    WHERE PageRequested LIKE '%crmresourcesthankyou.asp%'


    Alex Polajenko

    Alex Polajenko

  • what is the "(ID)" for in the derived table???

  • quote:

    what is the "(ID)" for in the derived table???

    Sorry, it was left over from a previous form of the query. Not needed. 🙂

    Alex Polajenko

    Alex Polajenko

  • I would think it better to grab from within the app code and add a column to store the tid istead of trying to do an after the fact type of deal.

    Is there a specific reason for doing it this way and is this just so you can tie common records?

  • It is just so I can tie common records..

    What do you mean by your previous comment?

    Alex Polajenko

    Alex Polajenko

  • Ok I make some assumptions here if you have the source code for the app that inserts this.

    I have an app where I used to log all activity with the connections due to early stages of life and we wanted to track where and when errors occurred.

    The key was some machines were being used by multiple people so I needed to be able to see who it was uniquely. And to be able to ID the connection even if made on same day. I only see the date and IP in yours so I would think potential to mismap.

    For me I decided to store something unique for every connection on my log inserts, this would allow me to uniquely ID all related connections. What I found was the session ID. So I would use the following

    Right(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE"), 33)

    Which gives me the unique session connection. The value is of course longer than 33 but the first portion is actuall the servers value.

    By adding a CHAR(33) column and inserting the piece I got from ASP, which stays in effect the duration of the session, I am guaranteed to be able to tell what items occurred within the same session.

    Hope that makes sense.

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