maxlimit msaccess

  • what is maximum number of records can a table hold in msaccess, if it has around  20 columns

    50-100  size length

    i need approx, like 50,000 records , 100,000 records just a rough idea




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    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • I really have no clue, perhaps try asking in a Access forum?

    Though if this is data that is important, I'm not too sure that using Access is such a good idea in the first place. Why not use a 'real' RDBMS like SQL Server?


  • becoz cost also a factor, cannot do webhosting using sql-server, it would be too costly

    iam looking for mysql. its free!

    but for the time being iam calculating about ms-access

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    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • MSAccess will hold a couple of million rows per table.

    The REAL question is HOW large is the database going to be.  Access 97 DB size limit is 1GB, Access 2K (and I think 2K3 and XP) 2GB.  Once the threshold is met the DB goes offline.....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Well, most of the times the wording 'you get what you pay for' has a tendency to become true. As I said, let the value of your data influence the choice of platform.

    Access may be sufficcient for you, or it may not - only you can decide.

    'Webhosting' does sound like multiple simultaneous users, though.. AFAIK, this is one area that Access is notoriusly bad at - it is (if I remember correct) from the beginning intended as a single-user desktop 'database'

    On the other hand (again) - if it is intended to be read-only, then perhaps Access will make do anyway.



  • db goes offline means exactly what happens

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    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • iam using msaccess 2002, a couple of million record is more than enough for me

    my estimate is around 300,000 to 500,000 per table

    some tables will hold very less data as they are master tables and entered only once

    and i got around 50 tables, its more than enough


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    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • How many users are we talking about?? I'd strongly consider msde msde/sql express for such a db (300k/500k).

  • true, but ms-acces is ideal for small buisness people.

    sql-server is too costly u can go and check the rates, as the datasize grows they charge per mb, tht will make you bankrupt.

    all the profits will go into sql-server

    ms-access is free and easy , mysql is also free but doesn't have proper GUI.

    if anybody knows any proper tool just post the link


    <a href=""> For IT jobs click here</a>

    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • Remi iam using 3rd party hosting, like i had purchased a hosting pack from the webhosting companies, so msde is not a solution

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    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • Gonna wish you good luck, 300k and 500k are in no way small tables. I just hope that the indexing strategy is rock solid.

  • The limit is in FILE SIZE not in number of records!!

    It can not handle a DB File bigger than 2GB! (you can alwas have more DB files though )


    * Noel

  • The other question I would ask is 'How is the data going to get in to the Access DB?'  Someone pointed out here that as a read-only it may work fine.  (I can tell by experience that it is iffy at best.) 

    Cost is always a factor and I found that many ISPs won't allow MySql or other 'free' databases on their servers.   For this reason I have had to convince my clients to switch ISP's to one that will fit their needs. 

    An extra dollar and inconvenience (switching ISP) may save them/you in the long run.  NOt to mention the reputation of the designer.


    Kindest Regards,

    ** Obstacles are those frightening things that appear when we take our eyes off the goal. **

  • Hi!

    I'm not sure on the *when* you intended to use the application, so maybe this possibility could be good for you.

    Although SQL 2005 Express won't be out before Nov. 7 2005, you could download the CTP and see if this works for you.

    Under certain conditions, the use of SQL 2005 Express is free!

    Be sure to read the FAQ here :

    and download the software here : http://


    Hope this helps

    Eric CREPEAU


  • If I understand correctly, we are not talking about 300-500K, that's the approximate number of records in one table.  You also said that on average about 100 bytes per record.  With 50 tables.  I'd guess the size to be closer to 300-500 Meg assuming that not all the tables have that number of records.  However, if on average those 50 tables have 400,000 records, that's about 1.8 Gig, or at the very limits of 1 Access DB.

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