Maximum Invoce for each Customer

  • [font="Courier New"]Hello SQL Gurus,

    I need some help here. I have part of the problem solved but having difficulty in getting the problem fully solved.

    /** Requirement: If the customer is having all Active Invoices as active

    then get the Max of the Active Invoice; If all Inactive Invoices then

    get Max of the Inactive Invoice; If the customer has both then the Max

    of the Active one should be returned and not the max of Inactive One



    CREATE TABLE my_table(mt_Cust_Id VARCHAR(10)

    ,mt_state VARCHAR(1) --1 for Active , 2 for Inactive

    ,mt_Invoice_No BIGINT




    --cust 1 all active

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_1' , '1' ,10001);

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_1' , '1' ,10999); -- Should be returned for Cust_Id_1

    --cust 2 All inactive

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_2' , '2' ,20001);

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_2' , '2' ,20999); --Should be returned for Cust_Id_2

    --cust 3 Two active Two Inactive

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_3' , '1' ,30001);

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_3' , '1' ,30999); --Should be returned for Cust_Id_3

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_3' , '2' ,31000);

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_3' , '2' ,31101);

    --cust 4 Three active Two Inactive

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_4' , '1' ,40001);

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_4' , '1' ,40002);

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_4' , '1' ,40999); --Should be returned for Cust_Id_4

    insert into my_table values ('Cust_Id_4' , '2' ,41001);



    SELECT TOP 1 sq0.mt_Cust_Id ,sq1.state_X, sq1.mt_Invoice_No , sq1.rownum

    FROM my_table sq0



    SELECT mt_Cust_Id

    ,CASE mt_state WHEN 1 THEN 'Active'

    WHEN 2 THEN 'Inactive'

    END State_X


    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY mt_Cust_Id , (CASE mt_state WHEN 2 THEN 1 ELSE mt_state END)

    ORDER BY mt_Cust_Id , mt_state DESC

    ) rownum

    FROM my_table

    --ORDER BY 1,4 DESC

    ) AS sq1

    ON sq0.mt_cust_Id = sq1.mt_Cust_Id

    AND CASE sq0.mt_state WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 2 THEN 'Inactive' END = sq1.state_X

    AND sq0.mt_Invoice_No = sq1.mt_Invoice_No

    WHERE sq0.mt_cust_Id = 'Cust_Id_4'

    AND CASE sq0.mt_state WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 2 THEN 'Inactive' END = sq1.state_X

    ORDER BY sq0.mt_Cust_Id , sq1.rownum DESC


    Returns correctly


    mt_Cust_Id state_X mt_Invoice_No rownum

    ---------- -------- -------------------- --------------------

    Cust_Id_4 Active 40999 4

    (1 row(s) affected)


    How do i modify this query so that i get the output as follows:

    Cust_Id_1 10999

    Cust_Id_2 20999

    Cust_Id_3 30999

    Cust_Id_4 40999

    I know i am missing something obvious and which is within reach. Any inputs would be appreciated.


  • I would personally approach this in a different method, using a full outer join structure.

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_my_table ON #my_table (mt_state, mt_cust_id, mt_Invoice_No)



    ISNULL( drvActive.mt_cust_id, drvInactive.mt_cust_id) AS mt_Cust_id,

    ISNULL( drvActive.MaxActive, drvInactive.MaxInactive) AS MaxInvoiceNo




    MAX( mt_Invoice_No) AS MaxActive




    mt_state = '1'



    ) AS drvActive




    MAX( mt_Invoice_No) AS MaxInactive




    mt_state = '2'



    ) AS drvInactive

    ONdrvActive.mt_cust_id = drvInactive.mt_cust_id

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • [font="Courier New"]Thanks Craig.. I think i found the solution soon after posting 🙂 but by using the CROSS APPLY feature. I was trying JOIN etc and they were not allowing me to do a ORDER BY inside;

    SELECT sq99.mt_cust_id ,CASE sq99.mt_state WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 2 THEN 'Inactive' END state

    , sq99.mt_Invoice_No , SubQuery.MAX_INVOICE_NO

    FROM my_table sq99



    SELECT TOP 1 sq0.mt_Cust_Id , sq1.state_X Modified_State, sq1.mt_Invoice_No AS MAX_INVOICE_NO

    , sq1.rownum

    FROM my_table sq0



    SELECT mt_Cust_Id

    ,CASE mt_state WHEN 1 THEN 'Active'

    WHEN 2 THEN 'Inactive'

    END State_X


    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY mt_Cust_Id , (CASE mt_state WHEN 2 THEN 1 ELSE mt_state END)

    ORDER BY mt_Cust_Id , mt_state DESC

    ) rownum

    FROM my_table

    --ORDER BY 1,4 DESC

    ) AS sq1

    ON sq0.mt_cust_Id = sq1.mt_Cust_Id

    AND CASE sq0.mt_state WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 2 THEN 'Inactive' END = sq1.state_X

    AND sq0.mt_Invoice_No = sq1.mt_Invoice_No

    WHERE sq0.mt_cust_Id = sq99.mt_Cust_Id

    AND CASE sq0.mt_state WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 2 THEN 'Inactive' END = sq1.state_X

    ORDER BY sq0.mt_Cust_Id , sq1.rownum DESC

    ) SubQuery


    Gives the desired result

    mt_cust_id state mt_Invoice_No MAX_INVOICE_NO

    ---------- -------- -------------------- --------------------

    Cust_Id_1 Active 10001 10999

    Cust_Id_1 Active 10999 10999

    Cust_Id_2 Inactive 20001 20999

    Cust_Id_2 Inactive 20999 20999

    Cust_Id_3 Active 30001 30999

    Cust_Id_3 Active 30999 30999

    Cust_Id_3 Inactive 31000 30999

    Cust_Id_3 Inactive 31101 30999

    Cust_Id_4 Active 40001 40999

    Cust_Id_4 Active 40002 40999

    Cust_Id_4 Active 40999 40999

    Cust_Id_4 Inactive 41001 40999

    (12 row(s) affected)

    Nevertheless a Million thanks for the quick reply. I achieved the same result using a function earlier. But was preferring to avoid a temporary table or a function.

    Thanks Again.[/font]

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