max, group by question

  • key       dept    date

    12345    13    9/16/2007

    12346    13    9/14/2007

    12358    10    8/16/2007

    12365    10    4/17/2007

    12398     9    1/1/2007

    12600    13    3/1/2007

    13000     9    3/1/2007

    I need a sql query that will return find the latest date in each dept

    and return the key of that row.

    select dept, max(date) from log group by dept

    the above query returns the dept and date, but I need the key and can't figure out how

    to get it.

  • DECLARE @tbl TABLE(KeyID int, Dept int, Dt datetime)

    INSERT INTO @tbl

    SELECT 12345,    13,    '9/16/2007'


    SELECT 12346,    13,    '9/14/2007'


    SELECT 12358,    10,    '8/16/2007'


    SELECT 12365 ,   10,    '4/17/2007'


    SELECT 12398,     9,    '1/1/2007'


    SELECT 12600,    13,    '3/1/2007'


    SELECT 13000,     9,    '3/1/2007'

    SELECT a.KeyID, a.dept, a.Dt

    FROM @tbl a


    (SELECT dept, MAX(dt) MaxDt FROM @tbl

    GROUP BY dept) t ON a.dept = t.[dept] and a.Dt = t.maxDt

  • This sort of situation is where the windowed functions get really handy.  In this case, I'm referring to the RANK() function.  Rank calculates a 1..N value for sets of rows ('windows') within a resultset based on a specified grouping.  If you rank each row, grouped by department and order by date descending, then row #1 for each department will be the latest row, and will include the data you seek.

    -- Stealing sample data from the previous poster and adding a row of my own to produce ties 🙂

    DECLARE @tbl TABLE(KeyID int, Dept int, Dt datetime)

    INSERT @tbl

    SELECT 12345,    13,    '9/16/2007' UNION ALL

    SELECT 12346,    13,    '9/14/2007' UNION ALL

    SELECT 12358,    10,    '8/16/2007' UNION ALL

    SELECT 12365 ,   10,    '4/17/2007' UNION ALL

    SELECT 12398,     9,    '1/1/2007'  UNION ALL

    SELECT 12600,    13,    '3/1/2007'  UNION ALL

    SELECT 12700,    13,    '9/16/2007'  UNION ALL

    SELECT 13000,     9,    '3/1/2007'

    -- The RANK function as written below will return the position of each row by department,

    -- ordered by the date column descending.  I included the KeyID column in the RANK's ORDER BY

    -- clause to break ties on the date column.

    ;WITH DeptStuff

    AS (SELECT KeyID, dept, Dt,

               RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY dept ORDER BY Dt DESC, KeyID) AS Pos

          FROM @tbl


    SELECT KeyID, dept, Dt, Pos

      FROM DeptStuff

     WHERE Pos = 1  -- comment out the WHERE clause to see what the CTE query produces

     ORDER BY dept

    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • this is very useful, however i would like to adapt it to a subquery. shown below with bad syntax. any hints? thanks



    , ID

    , [Description]



    ,(select Suppliername from Supplier s where s.ID = SupplierID) as SupplierName

    --could be more than one reordernumber per supplier per item:


    ;with slr as

    (select id, itemID, reorderNumber ron, cost c , supplierID,

    rank() over(partition by itemID order by dbtimestamp DESC, id) as r

    from supplierlist


    select ron

    from slr

    where r = 1 and item.supplierID = slr.supplierID

    order by itemID

    ) as reordernumber

    FROM [TEVA].[dbo].[Item]

    Incorrect syntax near ';'.

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.

  • CTEs are defined before the SQL statement that uses them, not in it. something like this

    ;with MyCTE (col1, col2, col3) AS (

    SELECT ... FROM aTable


    SELECT [some fields] FROM MyCTE inner join SomeOtherTable on MyCTE.Col1 = SomeOtherTable.Col1

    WHERE SomeConditions

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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